06:51 | ricotz has joined IRC (ricotz!~ricotz@ubuntu/member/ricotz)
13:51 | highvoltage is now away: be back later
18:45 | quinox has left IRC (quinox!~quinox@ghost.qtea.nl, Quit: WeeChat 4.3.1)
18:47 | quinox has joined IRC (quinox!~quinox@ghost.qtea.nl)
23:17 | ricotz has left IRC (ricotz!~ricotz@ubuntu/member/ricotz, Quit: Leaving)
23:32 | hellodub has left IRC (hellodub!~quassel@, Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
23:36 | hellodub has joined IRC (hellodub!~quassel@
23:36 | hellodub is now away: All Quassel clients vanished from the face of the earth...