00:26 | psycodad1 has joined #ltsp | |
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01:23 | <vagrantc> ogra: hey!
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01:24 | * ogra waves from portland | |
01:24 | <vagrantc> ogra: you find a place to sleep?
| |
01:24 | <ogra> i got a sweet very "local flavoured" place at the "quality" inn :)
| |
01:25 | about 20 blocks away from eharrison
| |
01:25 | <vagrantc> heh. ok.
| |
01:25 | <ogra> i might be able to book that until monday (if they manage to fix my doorlock)
| |
01:25 | <vagrantc> heh.
| |
01:26 | <ogra> great to be back again
| |
01:27 | i had a nice alascan lady next to me at the plane that tought my some history and told nice hiking stories about the three mountains :)
| |
01:27 | <vagrantc> heh
| |
01:27 | * vagrantc read that as alsacan | |
01:28 | <ogra> canned linux sound :)
| |
01:29 | well, the place i'm in is something others would likel call creepy ... but it really feels like home after a week in the airwashed hilton i think i can bear that place for some days
| |
01:29 | feels more alive actually
| |
01:30 | i dont know how much my daily taxi will be though ... but it shouldnt be more than 10 miles to freegeek and eric can pick me up
| |
01:31 | so i guess i'm all set :)
| |
01:41 | <vagrantc> busses aren't usually too bad, but i don't really know the west side
| |
01:42 | <ogra> well, eric will pick me up tomorrow at least
| |
01:43 | but first i need that dorr thing fixed *grin*
| |
01:43 | *door even
| |
01:43 | i havent had a non working lock yet, usually the cards are just broken
| |
01:44 | but here the battery seems to be gone or so
| |
01:48 | * vagrantc hopes gadi found his way alright | |
01:49 | <vagrantc> don't know if folks would like to meet up during the day ... i'll be working at freegeek 11-5, but it's fairly flexible with time..
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01:49 | Q-FUNK has joined #ltsp | |
01:57 | <vagrantc> ogra: see ya tomorrow?
| |
01:57 | <ogra> yeah
| |
01:58 | sorry, busy catching up on mail, but i'm still here :)
| |
01:58 | <vagrantc> not a problem... i'm about to get some sleep.
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02:00 | <TNKLTSP> ogra
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02:01 | <ogra> hey
| |
02:01 | <TNKLTSP> did u read what i said couple of days ago about the fuse + AD domain user, I have infact resolved the case (kind of)
| |
02:01 | the problem is this:
| |
02:01 | sopsaare@tuki:~$ id
| |
02:01 | uid=363339454(sopsaare) gid=363332097(domain^users) groups=363332096(domain^admins),363332097(domain^users),363334246(primus^users),363334738(mikrotuki),363337601(tyoharjoittelijat),840465266
| |
02:02 | <ogra> uh, looks odd
| |
02:02 | <TNKLTSP> the ltspfs making the directory /media/%USER
| |
02:02 | doesnt recognice the gid=363332097(domain^users) as valid usergroup
| |
02:02 | while making the directori which shoul look likethis
| |
02:02 | <ogra> looks a bit high
| |
02:03 | i'm not really sure yu can use GIDs above 65535
| |
02:03 | <TNKLTSP> likewise-winbind does it pretty damn well
| |
02:04 | the whole system (apart ltspfs) recognices the GID:s
| |
02:04 | the group names can be used far specific files, folders, services, even sudo rights
| |
02:05 | <ogra> how does ltspfs break with that then ?
| |
02:05 | <TNKLTSP> it doesnt create the folder /media/%USER
| |
02:06 | and I have been thinking (can't test atmo becouse our AD is under heavy reconstruction) and the problem might even lie in the usergroup name
| |
02:06 | "Domain Users" which is built-in primary group for the domain users
| |
02:07 | <ogra> well, dont forget that the user needs fuse rights
| |
02:07 | <TNKLTSP> and which likewise-winbind tells me that it is named domain^users
| |
02:07 | fuse right have been solved (trought many different ways)
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02:08 | <TNKLTSP> But I'll file U a full scale article about Ubuntu LTSP envinroment as part of AD when I get my D back to track and the work done (most propably in a month)
| |
02:09 | because I'm pretty sure that there will be discussion about the AD + LTSP subject in near future
| |
02:10 | (the easiest way to test fuse rights is to just add the domain user to "fuse" group in /etc/group)
| |
02:11 | <Shawn_Powers> ogra: reading back, I assume you're at OSCON?
| |
02:12 | <ogra> Shawn_Powers, not exactly, i might drop by there in the public area for 1-2h tomorrow though ... but main objective for me being in portland is the ltsp hackfest
| |
02:12 | <Shawn_Powers> that's what I was going to ask about -- jammcq mentioned a few months back about the hackfest on Friday
| |
02:13 | I'm curious when, where, etc.
| |
02:13 | <ogra> freegeek
| |
02:13 | we'll start tomorrow
| |
02:13 | <Shawn_Powers> (I get to attend as both press, and a tech director)
| |
02:13 | ahh
| |
02:13 | where is freegeek?
| |
02:13 | * Shawn_Powers hopes near the convention center somewhere... | |
02:13 | <Shawn_Powers> There's like a tour there on Friday, no?
| |
02:13 | <ogra> other side of the river afaik
| |
02:14 | vagrant can give you directions
| |
02:14 | http://freegeek.org/map
| |
02:14 | <Shawn_Powers> awesome. I was hoping to get some video of freegeek to put up on linuxjournal.com
| |
02:14 | <ogra> heh, and me too actually
| |
02:14 | * ogra just found the url in his backlof | |
02:14 | <ogra> sZf/g/
| |
02:15 | feel free to drop by at any time :)
| |
02:15 | <Shawn_Powers> awesome -- I was just up at 10th street earlier today for a drupal gathering
| |
02:16 | oh, crap
| |
02:16 | SE 10th ave is differfent
| |
02:16 | ;)
| |
02:17 | <ogra> yeh, its not directly around the corner
| |
02:17 | <Shawn_Powers> is there an official start time, or just "all day thurs & fri"
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02:17 | <ogra> rther from thu to sun :)
| |
02:18 | <Shawn_Powers> ahh... sadly, my plane leaves Saturday
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02:18 | <ogra> most of the core devs stay over the weekend
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02:18 | <Shawn_Powers> but I'm far from a dev
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02:18 | ;)
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02:18 | <ogra> well, you want to meet the devs :)
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02:19 | <Shawn_Powers> Yes, I really really do
| |
02:19 | <ogra> we didnt make a starting time up for tomorrow
| |
02:19 | eric (who is my ride) just said he wont be up before 8 and i should cll him then
| |
02:19 | <Shawn_Powers> I've been an LTSP fanboi and user much (MUCH) longer than a Linux Journal editor
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02:19 | <Shawn_Powers> Eric Harrison?
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02:19 | <ogra> yep
| |
02:19 | <Shawn_Powers> He lives here, no?
| |
02:19 | <ogra> he does
| |
02:20 | about 20 blocks from my ho/motel
| |
02:20 | * ogra isnt really able to judge this place here | |
02:20 | <Shawn_Powers> sigh... linuxjournal put me up in the "swanky" DoubleTree
| |
02:20 | 10 dollar a day wifi
| |
02:20 | crappy connection
| |
02:20 | 180 bucks a night
| |
02:20 | WTF?
| |
02:20 | <ogra> well, i'm hooked up to *some* wifi that was open here :)
| |
02:21 | the room has a cat5 wallplug i didnt tyr yet
| |
02:21 | and the wifi likely doesnt belong to the hotsl
| |
02:21 | *hotel
| |
02:21 | <Shawn_Powers> yeah, unfortunately, I can *almost* get a signal from somewhere else
| |
02:22 | I almost wish they'd charge 190 a night, and "give" me wifi
| |
02:22 | <ogra> is the doubletree the one acrss the street from the convention center ?
| |
02:22 | <Shawn_Powers> No, it's the "official" hotel for the conference
| |
02:22 | <ogra> i thnk i stayed there last year
| |
02:22 | ah
| |
02:22 | <Shawn_Powers> but it's 2 trains stops away
| |
02:22 | the "Red Somethingorother" is closer
| |
02:22 | I wanna say Red Bull
| |
02:22 | but it's not
| |
02:22 | :)
| |
02:23 | *they* have free wifi
| |
02:23 | ;)
| |
02:23 | Ok -- I'm going to bed
| |
02:23 | if you're at the convention tomorrow, I'm wearing a bright red linux journal polo
| |
02:23 | feel free to introduce yourself
| |
02:24 | I have stickers... lol
| |
02:25 | <ogra> yeah
| |
02:25 | ogra has quit IRC | |
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02:26 | <ogra> §%%$&#*&
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02:26 | why doesnt gnome-power-manager warn me before shutting down my system ....
| |
02:26 | hrm
| |
02:27 | at least it propely suspended
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02:28 | Pascal_1 has joined #ltsp | |
02:29 | <Shawn_Powers> I have Ubuntu on an HP-2133 that I reviewed -- and today at OSCON it decided that it didnt' want to sleep anymore. I thought my bag was going to catch on fire. Very strange.
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02:29 | and now I'm *really* going to bed
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02:29 | ;)
| |
02:29 | <ogra> yeah, me too, i'll crash in front of the tv for a bit more though
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05:51 | generalsnus has joined #ltsp | |
05:56 | <generalsnus> Hey guys, at our school we have previously used "skolelinux" for our thinclient servers.: 3 ltsp servers and 1 ldap server with users /home folders. now i wish to replace the thinclient servers with a new distro, Xubuntu. but how do make it xubuntu authenticates and mount the /home folders from our ldap server?
| |
06:03 | <klausade> generalsnus: there is plenty of documentation on the net howto use *ubuntu machines together with skolelinux ldap-server. Maybe start with http://wiki.skolelinux.de/Skolelinux/Ubuntu and http://www.skolelinux.no/~klaus/sarge/a4765.html. Those should give you a startingpoint.
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08:09 | <jorgezero> anyone know how do i upgrade a pxe 2.01 to 2.1?
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08:42 | <jorgezero> anyone know how do i upgrade a pxe 2.01 to 2.1??
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09:06 | <jorgezero> anyone know how do i upgrade a pxe 2.0 to 2.1??
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09:08 | <giorgio> hi all
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09:08 | guys how i can disable the local sound on thinclients ?
| |
09:09 | i edit this file /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf
| |
09:10 | and put this command
| |
09:10 | SOUND = False
| |
09:10 | but , the sound still on thinclients
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09:12 | kl_eisbaer has joined #ltsp | |
09:13 | <cyberorg> The_Code, you around
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09:13 | <The_Code> cyberorg, yes
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09:14 | <cyberorg> The_Code, i saw couple of huge commits from you, tell us about it :)
| |
09:15 | btw, welcome to Easy-LTSP GUI GSOC weekly meeting :)
| |
09:15 | <The_Code> i made some changes to the gui
| |
09:15 | i removed the checkboxes for localdev and sound and made them tasks
| |
09:16 | the way tasks are selected changed, the combobox has gone and it is now done with a popupmenu which appears when you click and the add task button
| |
09:16 | next thing is that i added a remove task button, to let the user remove tasks he added
| |
09:16 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: any tarball for a quick test around?
| |
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09:18 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, on my way
| |
09:18 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: thanks
| |
09:19 | <The_Code> next thing is parsing of lts.conf which is done with nini library
| |
09:19 | http://forgeftp.novell.com/kiwi-ltsp/easy-ltsp-0.4.tar.gz
| |
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09:19 | <The_Code> binaries are there
| |
09:20 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: thanks
| |
09:20 | <The_Code> deploying of lts.conf also working
| |
09:20 | user can choose to parse or deploy the lts.conf from easy-ltsp.conf or choose a target and source
| |
09:21 | and that's it for now, i am currently creating the possibility to add clients to the section
| |
09:22 | ah, and the tasks in the popup have tooltips
| |
09:22 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: so 0.4 would be the first version which has the base functionality ?
| |
09:23 | of creating/deploying lts.conf ?
| |
09:23 | <The_Code> when i have finsihed the add client possibility, i would say so
| |
09:24 | <cyberorg> The_Code, i am impressed :)
| |
09:24 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: ok - what about the parsing of an existing lts.conf ?
| |
09:24 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, as i said done using nini
| |
09:24 | <kl_eisbaer> Two questions about your tarball:
| |
09:25 | whats Nini.dll ?
| |
09:25 | and where is easy-lts.conf =
| |
09:25 | ?
| |
09:25 | <The_Code> Nini.dll is a .net ini parsing lib, which is used for parsing lts.conf
| |
09:25 | <kl_eisbaer> ah, ok
| |
09:26 | <The_Code> easy-ltsp.conf is missing cause it is in /etc/easy-ltsp/
| |
09:26 | <cyberorg> The_Code, we need to work out terminology for "Parse" and "Deploy" ogra's mom wont know what they mean
| |
09:26 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: ok - just want to be shure I didn't miss it :-)
| |
09:27 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, the problem is that this location needs to be hardcoded
| |
09:27 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: yes, I know
| |
09:27 | <The_Code> cyberorg, yes, maybe read and create
| |
09:28 | <cyberorg> just "Open", "Save" and "Save As" under lts.conf menu
| |
09:28 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: please "tag" your splitted versions in SVN
| |
09:28 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, yes
| |
09:29 | ogra has joined #ltsp | |
09:29 | <cyberorg> hi ogra :)
| |
09:29 | <The_Code> cyberorg, only one open?
| |
09:29 | <kl_eisbaer> I hope, I can build the source "from scratch" in a few days. So the prebuild binaries shouldn't be necessary any more
| |
09:29 | <cyberorg> ogra, new version: http://forgeftp.novell.com/kiwi-ltsp/easy-ltsp-0.4.tar.gz
| |
09:29 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: but please keep a copy of easy-ltsp.conf in your working directory
| |
09:30 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, my makefile is getting in shape
| |
09:30 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: ok, thanks
| |
09:30 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, sure
| |
09:30 | for deploying i agree with save and save as
| |
09:31 | but for the parsing, either the user wants to use the defined or a different one how to tell him this
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09:33 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: what about using the "Open" menu entry for this?
| |
09:33 | The_Code: you can/should open the file browser and let the user choose his version :_)
| |
09:33 | <The_Code> so only one way to read a lts.conf file, using a file browser?
| |
09:34 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: IMO: yes. You can point the user to "your" default one, but in the end the user should decide....
| |
09:34 | <The_Code> this can be a good way
| |
09:34 | <kl_eisbaer> ...just think about the differnt locations of this file in the different distribution
| |
09:35 | /srv/ltsp/.... vs /opt/ltsp/....
| |
09:35 | ...and please save the "last choosen" lts.conf in your own config - and ask the user if he wants to overwrite it when he saves or exits
| |
09:36 | <The_Code> therefor it is specified in easy-ltsp.conf
| |
09:36 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: yes
| |
09:36 | <The_Code> yes i will ask him! i am also working on the hash comparison
| |
09:37 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: can you add a "warning" message in the "lts.conf" tab if the user hasn't saved his changes ?
| |
09:38 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, you mean not saved to the file
| |
09:38 | <kl_eisbaer> Otherwise it's a bit confusing that the lts.conf still shows "[section 0]" if you've entered a name for it (but not saved)
| |
09:38 | <cyberorg> kl_eisbaer, would you post details about Easy-LTSP packages in Edu ML and any other place too? we now need people filing bugs :)
| |
09:39 | <kl_eisbaer> cyberorg: you've also welcome to post to this list :-)
| |
09:40 | <cyberorg> kl_eisbaer, people will kick me for cross posting on so many ML ::P
| |
09:40 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, right, either this or just make a automatic save when user changes
| |
09:40 | <kl_eisbaer> cyberorg: perhaps we can start writing the help files and HowTos as soon as Jan says his GUI is "frozen"
| |
09:40 | <cyberorg> kl_eisbaer, yes
| |
09:40 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: I would say a warning is enough - or display the resulting lts.conf just on demand
| |
09:41 | <cyberorg> The_Code, keyboard and language task is missing
| |
09:41 | <kl_eisbaer> otherwise you've to wait for the filesystem (or other stupid things) if you save on every change
| |
09:41 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, i save to my datastructure first (no filesystem)
| |
09:41 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: yes, this should be enough as your application is rock solid :-)
| |
09:42 | <The_Code> and lts.conf is always recreated when user switches to the tab
| |
09:42 | cyberorg, language?
| |
09:42 | keyboard right this has to be done
| |
09:42 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: might be - but my first test (starting with an empty lts.conf) shows a differnt behavior
| |
09:43 | The_Code: and I'm not shure if it's enough to show just the "task names" in the first Tab (Section)
| |
09:43 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, what happens
| |
09:44 | <kl_eisbaer> Now I have "Tasks" -> "XServer" without any other information in this tab
| |
09:44 | Just when I enter the "Advanced" Tab, the thinks look clearer to me
| |
09:44 | <The_Code> which indicates you have added the xserver task
| |
09:44 | <kl_eisbaer> but this is currently just a small layout thing
| |
09:44 | :D
| |
09:45 | <The_Code> in advanced you see the variables and their values
| |
09:45 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: Yes....
| |
09:45 | The_Code: but can you made this "list" a bit more clearer for me and my mom ? :-)
| |
09:45 | Perhaps by adding a checkbox
| |
09:46 | <The_Code> a checkbox? for what?
| |
09:46 | <kl_eisbaer> for the Tasks in the main Section window
| |
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09:46 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, what should it do
| |
09:46 | <kl_eisbaer> I would expect that I have to click on the Task first and afterwards on the "Remove task" button to remove it (or more) for example
| |
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09:47 | <kl_eisbaer> So just a checkbox behind or bevore each task which can be selected for removal
| |
09:47 | <The_Code> ok, yes better way user can remove more then one task
| |
09:48 | <kl_eisbaer> jip
| |
09:48 | I'm also not shure if the "Advanced" button and the "Advanced tab" should stay as they're now
| |
09:48 | as both do the same, perhaps one can be dropped?
| |
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09:49 | <The_Code> advanced button is not needed anymore
| |
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09:49 | <kl_eisbaer> ok - so please remove it
| |
09:49 | <bobbymac> hi
| |
09:49 | <The_Code> advanced button is there because in first version there were only two tabs, and tabs were only shown when clicked on advanced button
| |
09:49 | yes will remove it
| |
09:49 | <kl_eisbaer> And can you add a headline over the left textfield (with the sections)?
| |
09:50 | bobbymac: hi
| |
09:50 | The_Code: just name it "Sections" or something like that - just to give things a name for reference in the docu
| |
09:50 | <The_Code> yes, i will add column title (it's a treeview)
| |
09:51 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: thanks
| |
09:51 | japerry has quit IRC | |
09:51 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: ähem: and a "you're shure that you want to remove Section xy?" dialog please ... :-)
| |
09:52 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, ok
| |
09:52 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: BTW: I'm reproducing the "[Section 0]" error with an empty lts.conf right now
| |
09:53 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, what error what is happening
| |
09:53 | <kl_eisbaer> what about exchanging the "Advanced" button with a "Preview lts.conf" button ?
| |
09:53 | <bobbymac> I recently setup an Hardy LTSP server with amd64 OS and figured out how to build a client with the --arch i386 and --kiosk options. Now I need to customize the thin client setups. For instance, I need to change the home page in firefox and I need to chage the color scheme to match our university colors. Help?
| |
09:53 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: create a new lts.conf
| |
09:53 | add Name and comment in the new section
| |
09:53 | visit lts.conf tab
| |
09:54 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, yes it is not saved in the datatructure when you haven't clicked on save button
| |
09:54 | but i am working on the autosave stuff
| |
09:55 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: so what about hiding the lts.conf tab and display a popup window instead if the user clicks on a "preview" button ?
| |
09:55 | <The_Code> would be no problem for me, when we want to have another window
| |
09:56 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: I'm fine with this as it's a -- non editable -- Preview of the final result
| |
09:56 | (perhaps some users just want to copy and paste)
| |
09:57 | <The_Code> ok, but i will make it a modal dialog, because it can only change when user clicks the button
| |
09:57 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: ok
| |
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09:58 | masus has joined #ltsp | |
09:59 | jammcq has quit IRC | |
09:59 | <masus> hi all, does anyone know which ports or protocol is used by ltsp ?
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09:59 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: BTW: can you add a Wheel-Mouse, too?
| |
09:59 | masus: dhcp, tftp, nfs ?
| |
09:59 | <cyberorg> The_Code, LDM_LANGUAGE
| |
09:59 | <The_Code> ssh
| |
10:00 | <masus> kl_eisbaer: how do they connect to the server "which port or protocol"
| |
10:00 | <kl_eisbaer> should be "X_MOUSE_BUTTONS = 5" "X_ZAxisMapping = 4 5 "
| |
10:00 | <The_Code> cyberorg, values are the normal ones like en_us
| |
10:01 | <kl_eisbaer> masus: first => dhcp to get an ip adress, afterwards downloading via PXE
| |
10:01 | which is normally via TFTP
| |
10:01 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, ok will add it
| |
10:01 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: rest as the 3 button mouse
| |
10:01 | <masus> kl_eisbaer: , i'll do a iptables bandwidth monitor for the ltsp clients but if i use the ip range the ltsp client are slowing down , so i'll add the protocol or port to the iptables role
| |
10:01 | <kl_eisbaer> ups
| |
10:01 | The_Code: adding two mices into one section crashes ?
| |
10:02 | <cyberorg> The_Code, not sure, this was added to ldm recently
| |
10:02 | <kl_eisbaer> masus: depending on your settings, perhaps you've to open other ports like the one for the X-Server
| |
10:02 | <cyberorg> it is in ldm-trunk/src/greeter_iface.c
| |
10:03 | <masus> hmm yes thats it x-server ports
| |
10:03 | <kl_eisbaer> masus: and ports 20 and 21 (for tFTP)
| |
10:03 | <The_Code> cyberorg, will have a look
| |
10:03 | kl_eisbaer, do you want to have two mice?
| |
10:04 | or what do you mean with crashes
| |
10:04 | <kl_eisbaer> Ah, no. Sorry. I'm just playing around a bit....
| |
10:04 | <The_Code> cause i can add as many as i want, but values are overwritten
| |
10:04 | <masus> kl_eisbaer: i'll try one mom
| |
10:04 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: leads me to the question what to do if a user want to "add" an existing task again... :-)
| |
10:05 | The_Code: it should at least be possible to define two or more printers
| |
10:06 | ah, works.
| |
10:06 | ok: you win ! :-)
| |
10:06 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, every task (except for printer) can be added once, if added more times the values are overwritten
| |
10:06 | in printer task you can define printer number and if this is not the same as for the first printer another one is added
| |
10:06 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: hmmm. I'm not shure if this is the right way for all current tasks
| |
10:06 | => should be discussed in the mailinglist IMO
| |
10:07 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, but if you use a variable more then once, what happens
| |
10:07 | <cyberorg> may be we offer "The task already added > Overwrite? Add one more?
| |
10:07 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: yes - but silently overwriting the old value is not good
| |
10:07 | yes
| |
10:08 | And as far as I know, starting more then one X-Server on the client is possible for example
| |
10:08 | <The_Code> ok, if it exists i will ask the user if he wants to overwrite it
| |
10:08 | <kl_eisbaer> even to have more than one mouse (but thats only tested on my workstation ;-)
| |
10:08 | <cyberorg> kl_eisbaer, we may soon have MPX
| |
10:08 | <The_Code> but is it possible to use the XSERVER variable more then once
| |
10:09 | <kl_eisbaer> I have to look at my old config again....
| |
10:09 | I remember that there was an "init" variable containing for example xterm => 0; X11 => 1
| |
10:09 | <The_Code> ogra, cyberorg , is it possible to use a variable more then once?
| |
10:09 | <cyberorg> The_Code, also line up all the added tasks on left when you add checkboxes next to them for removing
| |
10:10 | <bobbymac> anbody: I recently setup an Hardy LTSP server with amd64 OS and figured out how to build a client with the --arch i386 and --kiosk options. Now I need to customize the thin client setups. For instance, I need to change the home page in firefox and I need to chage the color scheme to match our university colors. Help?
| |
10:10 | <cyberorg> kl_eisbaer, i dont think getltscfg can parse two values of same variable
| |
10:10 | <The_Code> cyberorg, the checkbox does this automatically, only labels are diplayed centered when not defined in a different way
| |
10:11 | <cyberorg> it needs to be like MOUSE_0, MOUSE_1 etc
| |
10:11 | <The_Code> just like printer and x_mode
| |
10:11 | <kl_eisbaer> bobbymac: as firefox stores the configs for each user in his home directory, you can define something in the default path ($FIREFOXLIBDIR/defaults/preferences/*.js) but this would be overwritten by the user settings
| |
10:12 | <cyberorg> i dont think that kind of thing is implemented for all variables
| |
10:13 | <kl_eisbaer> Looks like we have a "TODO" for the next meeting: clarify, if a setting (for mouse for example) can be used mutliple times in a section
| |
10:13 | <bobbymac> kl_eisbaer: but as this my clients are running in kiosk mode there is only one user. (I think) ?
| |
10:13 | <cyberorg> The_Code, just ask on ltsp-discuss ML
| |
10:13 | <kl_eisbaer> bobbymac: depends on your config - but it should be, yes
| |
10:13 | <The_Code> i will ask the ml
| |
10:14 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: ah....
| |
10:14 | The_Code: SCREEN_01 = startx
| |
10:14 | SCREEN_02 = shell
| |
10:14 | That's what I remind....
| |
10:15 | <cyberorg> kl_eisbaer, i have improved kiwi-ltsp a lot since last week, i'll update it later today, i'll killed all the bugs in our devzilla
| |
10:15 | *i have killed
| |
10:15 | <bobbymac> kl_eisbaer: Here is the catch. I have no Kiosk user defined thus no home directory!
| |
10:15 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, yes this works
| |
10:15 | <kl_eisbaer> cyberorg: devzilla?
| |
10:15 | <cyberorg> http://devzilla.novell.com/kiwi-ltsp/
| |
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10:16 | <bobbymac> kl_eisbaer: Which I suppose begs the question: How the heck are my kisok terminals logging in?
| |
10:16 | <cyberorg> that is where kiwi-ltsp bugs go to die
| |
10:16 | <kl_eisbaer> cyberorg: ah. missed that link on http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Easy-LTSP
| |
10:16 | bobbymac: :D
| |
10:17 | bobbymac: who the f***k is root ?
| |
10:17 | leio_ has joined #ltsp | |
10:17 | * cyberorg kicks kl_eisbaer | |
10:18 | * kl_eisbaer says autsch :-) | |
10:18 | <kl_eisbaer> cyberorg: can you add the devzilla link to the Easy-LTSP pages, please?
| |
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10:19 | * The_Code thinks Easy-LTSP has to have at least one component in order for you to enter a bug into it | |
10:19 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: ah - 23 bugs isn't to hard to read at the moment
| |
10:19 | <cyberorg> so i believe kiwi-ltsp is feature and performance wise is as far as i could take it
| |
10:19 | The_Code, there already is Easy-LTSP in the devzilla
| |
10:20 | <The_Code> cyberorg, yes found it and wanted to add a bug and got this message
| |
10:20 | <bobbymac> so you're say my thin clients loading a kiosk chroot are logging in as root?
| |
10:21 | <cyberorg> The_Code, right, captain_magnus you know anything about this message?
| |
10:21 | <kl_eisbaer> bobbymac: No - thats not what I say. But if you're not shure which account it is, handle it like it IS the root account
| |
10:22 | <bobbymac> I see
| |
10:22 | <kl_eisbaer> cy, captain_magnus: Version and Component should be classified IMO
| |
10:23 | ...and the default assignee should be Jan
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10:25 | staffencasa has joined #ltsp | |
10:27 | <cyberorg> i dont know where to access admin panel for that
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10:32 | The_Code, i've given you admin rights to devzilla, do you see any admin links there?
| |
10:34 | <The_Code> cyberorg, i see products at hte end of the page, and when i click on it i can navigate to product easy-ltsp and there is a field edit components
| |
10:36 | cyberorg, should i add a component, or do you do it
| |
10:36 | <cyberorg> yeah do it, i dont see it
| |
10:36 | <kl_eisbaer> Something like "Kiwi" and "LTS" would be cool :-)
| |
10:38 | <cyberorg> kl_eisbaer, ? we call it kiwi-ltsp ;)
| |
10:38 | <The_Code> e-mail adress is used for assignee ?
| |
10:38 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: yes
| |
10:38 | <The_Code> and who is default QA
| |
10:39 | <kl_eisbaer> cyberorg: no: the components are part of kiwi-ltsp :-)
| |
10:39 | The_Code: same email :-)
| |
10:39 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, the component is called Kiwi-LTSP
| |
10:39 | <cyberorg> The_Code, can you paste the link of admin page?
| |
10:40 | <The_Code> http://devzilla.novell.com/kiwi-ltsp/editproducts.cgi?action=edit&product=Easy-LTSP
| |
10:42 | <cyberorg> Sorry, you aren't a member of the 'editcomponents' group!!
| |
10:42 | i created this bugzilla :/
| |
10:42 | <The_Code> cyberorg, that's bad
| |
10:43 | <cyberorg> actually it all ichain's falut
| |
10:43 | *fault
| |
10:43 | <The_Code> i added components: kiwi-ltsp, lts, general
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10:48 | japerry has joined #ltsp | |
10:48 | <The_Code> kl_eisbaer, i have fixed your crash
| |
10:48 | <kl_eisbaer> The_Code: thanks
| |
10:48 | vagrantc has joined #ltsp | |
10:53 | <cyberorg> hi vagrantc
| |
10:53 | vagrantc, how does LDM_LANGUAGE work, what values does it take?
| |
10:54 | <vagrantc> cyberorg: i think any valid locale
| |
10:54 | locale -a
| |
10:54 | or any supported locale
| |
10:54 | not sure how other distros handle locales
| |
10:54 | <cyberorg> vagrantc, ok, what happens if unsupported one is put in lts.conf?
| |
10:54 | <vagrantc> cyberorg: i think it should fall back to C/POSIX
| |
10:55 | <cyberorg> ok, The_Code ^^
| |
10:55 | <The_Code> read it, working on that
| |
10:56 | <cyberorg> vagrantc, you have mono installed?
| |
10:56 | <vagrantc> no
| |
10:57 | <cyberorg> if you have access to a machine with mono, you feedback for Easy-LTSP would be very valuable :)
| |
10:57 | give this a try http://forgeftp.novell.com/kiwi-ltsp/easy-ltsp-0.4.tar.gz
| |
10:57 | japerry has quit IRC | |
10:57 | <cyberorg> just extract it and run "mono Easy-LTSP.exe"
| |
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10:58 | <The_Code> cyberorg, he needs easy-ltsp.conf in /etc/easy-ltsp/
| |
10:59 | <cyberorg> The_Code, can you upload a tarball with that in it?
| |
10:59 | <The_Code> will change the tarbal, mom
| |
11:02 | updated it
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11:06 | tux_440volt has joined #ltsp | |
11:09 | GodFather has quit IRC | |
11:09 | <masus> kl_eisbaer: TCP 20,21,6000:6063 does not work ... ? do you have another idea
| |
11:09 | <kl_eisbaer> TFTP uses UDP
| |
11:09 | <masus> hmmm
| |
11:09 | <kl_eisbaer> and you've forgotten DHCP
| |
11:10 | so 647 and icmp should pass
| |
11:10 | even 546 if you use ipv6
| |
11:11 | <masus> i'll try it
| |
11:11 | <kl_eisbaer> test if the clients get a valid ip-address
| |
11:11 | otherwise all other settings can be ignored
| |
11:12 | and even the routing and name resolution should work
| |
11:12 | <masus> everything works fine i have test it
| |
11:12 | only the bandwidth limit
| |
11:12 | <kl_eisbaer> hm: nfs ?
| |
11:12 | Q-FUNK has quit IRC | |
11:13 | <kl_eisbaer> ports for nfs and portmap should be accessable
| |
11:13 | <masus> it'sone tcp port i know it because this works -> -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport 1:65000 -j RETURN
| |
11:13 | it's in the tcp range
| |
11:13 | <kl_eisbaer> nfs should be something like 2049 and portmap.... 369 (but I'm not shure)
| |
11:13 | <masus> ok i'll try thank u
| |
11:13 | <kl_eisbaer> ah, ok
| |
11:13 | <masus> ah what ?
| |
11:13 | :D
| |
11:14 | <kl_eisbaer> try udp, please :-)
| |
11:14 | tcp is just a fallback for nfs and portmap in most cases
| |
11:14 | <masus> udp which port ?
| |
11:14 | <kl_eisbaer> hm... 369 2049
| |
11:14 | <masus> ok
| |
11:14 | i'll try one mom
| |
11:14 | <kl_eisbaer> but I'm not shure, please see /etc/services on your machine
| |
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11:15 | <kl_eisbaer> If you've a console on your clients, try "showmount -e <servername>"
| |
11:17 | leio_ has joined #ltsp | |
11:19 | <masus> kl_eisbaer: done
| |
11:19 | kl_eisbaer: -p tcp --dport 2268
| |
11:20 | do you know for what is port 2268
| |
11:39 | Subhodip has quit IRC | |
11:44 | leio_ has quit IRC | |
11:45 | leio_ has joined #ltsp | |
11:51 | cdealer has joined #ltsp | |
11:51 | <cdealer> Hi eveybody
| |
11:52 | <cyberorg> The_Code kl_eisbaer i've added the transcript to http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/Easy-LTSP
| |
11:52 | also added bug tracker
| |
11:53 | <cdealer> help me with something that came today... is ltsp using /etc/hosts in particular the address to some kind of clients control ??
| |
11:55 | <The_Code> cyberorg, nice, thanks
| |
11:57 | leio__ has joined #ltsp | |
11:58 | <ogra> vagrantc, are eric and warren already hanging out at freegeek ?
| |
11:58 | * ogra needs to know if he needs a cab to head over | |
12:00 | <warren> ogra: i'm still at eric's house
| |
12:00 | ogra: eric is at his work
| |
12:00 | <ogra> ah
| |
12:00 | <warren> ogra: I'm heading over soon
| |
12:00 | to his office
| |
12:01 | ogra: it seems we're going to OSCON
| |
12:01 | <ogra> warren, there is a prob with my doorlock, so if i leave the room i cant get in easily again
| |
12:01 | so i need to plan a bit if i dont want to run through hassle :)
| |
12:01 | <warren> ogra: did you decide if you are staying therE/
| |
12:02 | <ogra> i would like to, but havent talked to the frontdesk yet
| |
12:02 | (due to the mentioned prob)
| |
12:02 | seems the electronic lock ran out of battery :P
| |
12:02 | totally silly
| |
12:03 | and indeed they only have one general physical key for all doors
| |
12:03 | so i cant just get that one :P
| |
12:03 | <warren> wow
| |
12:04 | <cyberorg> guys if you go to OSCON lookup japerry and check out our ltsp5 implementation :)
| |
12:04 | <ogra> yeah, one thing more i could blog about if my blog were up ....
| |
12:04 | i have so many funny travleing stories :)
| |
12:04 | <japerry> warren, ogra: the Linuxfest Northwest booth
| |
12:05 | <ogra> japerry, if i go to OSCON intel will grab me and not let me go ... i'm not sure i want that ....
| |
12:05 | <japerry> we have our presentation and a demo machine up. although just our luck the server is having hardware issues sporactically
| |
12:05 | aww
| |
12:05 | I'll also bring the systems tomorrow to the hackfest
| |
12:05 | <ogra> how far is your booth from the intel one ?
| |
12:05 | <warren> what time does OSCON end today?
| |
12:06 | <ogra> 6pm every day, no ?
| |
12:06 | is it last day today already ?
| |
12:06 | <japerry> the exhibit hall ends around 5
| |
12:06 | <cyberorg> japerry, check out the last couple of commits, the boot errors are gone, and splash stays put now
| |
12:07 | <ogra> (i actually *should* see intel but dont want to be blocked for the whole day)
| |
12:07 | <japerry> cyberorg: sweet, I'll push out another image then today
| |
12:07 | <ogra> ah, last day is 25th
| |
12:09 | <japerry> yah tomorrow no expo hall
| |
12:09 | <ogra> warren, can you guys pick me up then ? i will try to fix the boking and doorlock issues now
| |
12:10 | <japerry> I'll be down at the booth today except from 11:35-12:20
| |
12:10 | and also gone from 1:45-2:30.
| |
12:10 | <warren> ogra: I'll call Eric and ask him to pick you up.
| |
12:10 | ogra: in how long?
| |
12:10 | <ogra> if you go anyway
| |
12:11 | <japerry> cya folks later
| |
12:11 | <warren> ogra: Eric's gf will soon take me to Eric's office.
| |
12:11 | japerry has quit IRC | |
12:11 | <ogra> ah
| |
12:12 | well, i'll either stay at the front desk if the booking doesnt work or be in the room (123)
| |
12:12 | its propbably clever if you pick me up on the way towards eric since thats nearer
| |
12:13 | * ogra goes now ... and prays :) | |
12:13 | leio_ has quit IRC | |
12:14 | <warren> ogra: oh hmm
| |
12:14 | ogra: I don't know where things are
| |
12:14 | I don't know where I am.
| |
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12:34 | leio_ is now known as leio | |
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13:06 | <jorgezero> anyone know how do i upgrade PXE 2.0 to 2.1???
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13:09 | <johnny> sup folks
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13:10 | <rcy> hi johnny
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13:49 | <roberto__> Hello to all the ltsp 5 this very slow in boot, which can be?
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13:52 | Pascal_1 has joined #ltsp | |
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14:01 | devsforev has joined #ltsp | |
14:02 | <devsforev> Hello again everyone. I am trying to get my nVidia NV11 graphics card working with xorg and the "nvidia" driver. I am having a hard time troubleshooting this problem since i cannot seem to locate a xorg.0.log file or any log related to xorg. When I boot the terminal, it attempts to start X but goes to a blank/black screen. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
| |
14:03 | <Lns> roberto__, might depend on your thin clients
| |
14:03 | devsforev, try creating a root password in the chroot and CTRL+ALT+F1 to go to a console from the thin-client - your xorg logs are there in the ramfs
| |
14:05 | <devsforev> Lns: Excellent, sounds good. I will try that now.
| |
14:05 | <Lns> devsforev, keep in mind you need to ltsp-update-image and reboot thin-client for the pw to take effect
| |
14:08 | <roberto__> my thin clients are pcs with 512MB RAM
| |
14:10 | Lns_ -my thin clients are pcs with 512MB RAM
| |
14:11 | Lns_ puleaseeeee
| |
14:11 | <Lns> ?
| |
14:11 | roberto__, you're not giving very much information here
| |
14:11 | have you tried 'nosplash' and removing 'quiet' from boot parms to see where it hangs?
| |
14:12 | <roberto__> Lns_ not yet... how do I do it?
| |
14:12 | <Lns> brb..updating firewall
| |
14:13 | <roberto__> Lns_ what's brb?
| |
14:13 | leio_ has quit IRC | |
14:14 | <roberto__> Lns - the thing is... I had the server here at the office and my team was working on its migration...
| |
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14:15 | <roberto__> Lns_ they were working perfectly, we tested the thin clients and the servers for a week
| |
14:16 | Lns_ now my team has taken the PCs to the client, but the thin clients don't seem to be "on the mood" anymore
| |
14:17 | Lns_ can you help us, it's urgent
| |
14:18 | <devsforev> Lns: Lns I specified "SCREEN_01 = shell" in my /etc/lts.conf to let me log in. At the prompt "ltsp login:" i type 'root' and it responds: "bash: root: command not found" before i can even type the password.
| |
14:21 | <irule> what is the famous sticky bit in UNIX permissions?
| |
14:21 | <roberto__> Lns_ ?
| |
14:22 | <devsforev> roberto__: brb == be right back
| |
14:22 | <roberto__> devsforev_ thanks so much...
| |
14:22 | <devsforev> sure thing
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14:27 | japerry has quit IRC | |
14:28 | Gadi has joined #ltsp | |
14:28 | <Gadi> warren: u there?
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14:29 | leio__ has joined #ltsp | |
14:29 | Lns has quit IRC | |
14:30 | Lns has joined #ltsp | |
14:30 | leio_ has quit IRC | |
14:30 | <roberto__> Lns_ u there?
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14:32 | Pascal_1 has quit IRC | |
14:33 | vagrantc has joined #ltsp | |
14:38 | <Lns> roberto__, yes
| |
14:38 | what OS are you using?
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14:38 | brb = be right back
| |
14:39 | <roberto__> Lns_ I'm using Ubuntu 8.04
| |
14:40 | <Lns> roberto__, the list of grub options is in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/default, iirc
| |
14:41 | so modify that file and remove 'quiet' and replace 'splash' with 'nosplash' - ltsp-update-image, and reboot the thin client. you should then see the dmesg when the thin client boots and you can try to figure out what it's hanging on / making it take so long.
| |
14:42 | if you're using AMD64 on the server remember the --arch i386 for ltsp-update-image
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14:43 | indradg has joined #ltsp | |
14:51 | <roberto__> Lns_ we're trying that... let's see what happens now
| |
14:52 | brb
| |
14:54 | Mibbti is now known as barbosa | |
15:01 | cdealer has quit IRC | |
15:05 | <roberto__> Lns_ we did exactly as you said and the thin clients take 5 min to boot
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15:09 | Lns_ no error returned... so still no clue of what's possibly happening
| |
15:09 | Lns_ any ideas?
| |
15:10 | Lns_ The server is Intel with RAM 4GB
| |
15:11 | ?
| |
15:12 | <Lns> roberto__, what does it hang at?
| |
15:13 | leio__ has quit IRC | |
15:14 | <roberto__> we saw the dmesg and it doesn't show us anything wrong
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15:15 | leio__ has joined #ltsp | |
15:25 | <roberto__> Lns_ we got the file from the cllient's server, but it's huge and has apparently no problems
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15:25 | Lns_ what should I do?
| |
15:31 | <Lns> roberto__, i'm not sure what you're saying - did you modify the file? do you see the messages on the thin client as it boots now?
| |
15:31 | I have to get some food, i'll be back in about an hour and a half
| |
15:33 | <roberto__> Lns_ I midified the file, but we don't see the messages on the thiin client as it boots (at least nothing unusual)...
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15:38 | japerry has joined #ltsp | |
15:44 | leio__ has quit IRC | |
15:45 | leio__ has joined #ltsp | |
15:53 | spectra has quit IRC | |
15:57 | leio_ has joined #ltsp | |
16:14 | leio__ has quit IRC | |
16:17 | K_O-Gnom has quit IRC | |
16:20 | japerry has quit IRC | |
16:30 | leio__ has joined #ltsp | |
16:32 | <Lns> roberto__, can you paste the contents of the file? Did you run ltsp-update-image?
| |
16:37 | mib_twoych has joined #ltsp | |
16:37 | leio has joined #ltsp | |
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16:43 | <roberto__> Lns_ yes I did... do you want me to paste the WHOLE file?? it's huge...
| |
16:43 | <Lns> roberto__, then you edited the wrong file...
| |
16:43 | leio_ has quit IRC | |
16:44 | <roberto__> Lns_ so what's the file I should edit?
| |
16:44 | <Lns> roberto__, ok i think I gave you the wrong file.. you need to edit /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default
| |
16:45 | Edit it to read the following: DEFAULT vmlinuz ro initrd=initrd.img nosplash
| |
16:45 | I'm not sure what file you edited before but un-edit it ;)
| |
16:45 | <roberto__> Lns_ hmm... ok I'll try that... lol
| |
16:46 | Lns... that's exactly what we did...
| |
16:47 | <Lns> ok...well the file is 1 line long... ? shouldn't be huge
| |
16:47 | did you run ltsp-update-image afterwards?
| |
16:48 | <roberto__> yes
| |
16:48 | <mib_twoych> ho avuto lo stesso problema
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16:48 | elisboa has quit IRC | |
16:49 | leio__ has quit IRC | |
16:49 | <roberto__> well, the file dmesg you told me to verify is huge though...
| |
16:50 | <mib_twoych> l'ho risolto, sistemando il server dhcp, ho ricreato le chiavi rsa e ricostruito l'immagine del kernel
| |
16:50 | e tutto si he messo a funzionare alla grande
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16:50 | barbosa has quit IRC | |
16:51 | <roberto__> mib_twoych_ ?
| |
16:51 | <mib_twoych> username random!!
| |
16:51 | <roberto__> miib_twoych_ comme hai fatto?
| |
16:52 | <mib_twoych> posto il messaggio in italiano
| |
16:52 | <roberto__> e io sono brasiliano
| |
16:52 | no parlo italiano molto bene
| |
16:53 | :b
| |
16:53 | <mib_twoych> ok!
| |
16:53 | <roberto__> puoi po0stare in English... per favore?
| |
16:53 | <mib_twoych> ok
| |
16:53 | <roberto__> o in portoguese
| |
16:53 | portoghese
| |
16:54 | <mib_twoych> english
| |
16:54 | <roberto__> ok
| |
16:54 | <mib_twoych> 1) setup dhcp.conf correttamente
| |
16:55 | <roberto__> ok...
| |
16:55 | aaaannnnnnnnnnnd?
| |
16:55 | <mib_twoych> 2) attendere un momento per favore
| |
16:56 | <roberto__> sì
| |
16:56 | <mib_twoych> 2) sudo ltsp-update-sshkey
| |
16:56 | 3) sudo ltsp-update-immagine
| |
16:57 | rispetto a
| |
16:58 | <roberto__> ??
| |
16:58 | O^o... che é... "rispetto a"?
| |
16:59 | <mib_twoych> questi sono i passaggi che ho fatto al fine di risolvere il problema
| |
16:59 | quindi, forme eth1 con IP statico
| |
17:01 | riavviare il server dhcpd con "sudo / etc / init.d / dhcpd restart-server"
| |
17:02 | e questo è tutto
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17:03 | mhterres has quit IRC | |
17:03 | <mib_twoych> Chiedo scusa per il mio inglese
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17:03 | <roberto__> were you able to solve the low speed booting problems with the thin clients?
| |
17:04 | Ed io chiedo scusa per il mio Italiano ;)
| |
17:04 | <mib_twoych> ;)
| |
17:05 | <roberto__> so you did solve the problems with slow speed booting thin clients... ours are taking 5 min to boot...
| |
17:06 | <mib_twoych> Sì
| |
17:07 | <roberto__> I'm Roberto's daughter... Only translating here... lol
| |
17:07 | ogra has joined #ltsp | |
17:07 | <roberto__> our dhcp is configured with , do you see problems with that?
| |
17:08 | ?
| |
17:09 | <mib_twoych> IP di eth1 deve essere per impostazione predefinita
| |
17:11 | <roberto__> ok, brb
| |
17:14 | <mib_twoych> Vi chiedo scusa, ma ho fatto confusione: P eth1 prende l 'IP da un router con DHCP server, mentre eth0 ha IP statico (, del resto, il server DHCP di "server ltsp" rilascia gli indirizzi ( fino a per il cliente!
| |
17:15 | se è la prima volta che utilizza ltsp, vi consiglio di utilizzare fedoracore6 k12ltsp, l'installazione è molto semplice.
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17:21 | johnny has joined #ltsp | |
17:23 | <roberto__> we're using ubuntu 8.04 and the only problem we're experiencing is the slow boot... but well try to fix it adn your help was really great
| |
17:23 | grazie tanti per il tuo aiutto
| |
17:24 | <johnny> dberkholz, where are you?
| |
17:27 | mib_twoych has left #ltsp | |
17:36 | <vagrantc> !seen jammcq
| |
17:36 | <ltspbot> vagrantc: jammcq was last seen in #ltsp 1 day, 0 hours, 59 minutes, and 8 seconds ago: <jammcq> and they have it at this place
| |
17:38 | <johnny> vagrantc, sup guy?
| |
17:38 | what are you up to?
| |
17:39 | <vagrantc> johnny: working at freegeek for the next couple hours ... might try and get in some aikido in before jammcq and sbalneav show up
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17:42 | J45p3r___ has joined #ltsp | |
17:53 | <Lns> vagrantc, you study aikido?
| |
17:53 | <vagrantc> Lns: a little
| |
17:53 | <ogra> johnny, he is running around at OSCON ... we had lunch together
| |
17:53 | <Lns> that's awesome..i've always wanted to get into that
| |
17:56 | <devsforev> Does anyone know if there are any tricks to getting nvidia-glx drivers working with LTSP? I have been having a hell-of-a-time trying to get them work, and I am starting to wonder if its my hardware or my LTSP implementation. Any ideas are welcome.
| |
17:59 | <Lns> sorry devsforev i'm not sure, never used nvidia drivers on a tc before
| |
17:59 | johnny has quit IRC | |
18:01 | <devsforev> No worries. The only reason I want to get them running is because video is jerky when I play it. I feel like the "nv" driver may be to blame. When I use mplayer or VLC many frames are skipped and video is jerky. If I can get smooth playback, I won't need to use the nvidia drivers. Any sugguestions here?
| |
18:02 | <Lns> devsforev, typically i wouldn't recommend thin clients for full video playback, but that's just me.. i haven't done a lot of that, most of my expertise (if you'd call it that heh) is in school lab environments with things mainly like OOo and firefox
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18:03 | flash is as close as i get to fvp
| |
18:03 | <devsforev> I only have one terminal right now (will have 2 at most in the future) and it is connected to my MythTV box. I want to be able to play the videos on the terminal with smooth playback, but so far I have had trouble with it skipping frames, so I figured it might be the driver.
| |
18:03 | <Lns> devsforev, you're using ltsp for mythtv terminals?
| |
18:03 | <The_Code> devsforev, LDM_DIRECTX = true in lts.conf
| |
18:03 | devsforev, but this drops security for X related traffic
| |
18:04 | <Lns> The_Code, i've had trouble using ldm_directx before..i forget what exactly it was...but it was a while ago too
| |
18:04 | <devsforev> Lns: I am using LTSP just for one mythtv of my Myth terminals. I figured it would save TONS of time in configuration of an extra box, and make the whole system more cohesive.
| |
18:05 | <Lns> devsforev, i thought mythtv had its own terminal thing going on outside of ltsp
| |
18:05 | <The_Code> devsforev, just a way that might increase speed for your video
| |
18:05 | <Lns> for multiple remote boxes
| |
18:05 | <devsforev> The_Code: I will enable LDS_DIRECTX now and let you know.
| |
18:06 | <The_Code> devsforev, just try it, if security doesn't matter
| |
18:06 | <devsforev> Lns: that is true; Myth is divided into a frontend/backend. I could feasibly have another frontend on this box, but the machine itself is only ~300mhz and has about 256MB of ram.
| |
18:06 | The_Code: I will; security is not much of a concern in my enviornment
| |
18:07 | <The_Code> good
| |
18:09 | <ogra> devsforev, are yu aware that the mythbuntu CD can set up a mythitv fat client out of the box ?
| |
18:10 | the mythbuntu team has put a lot effort into that and i heard it runs quite well
| |
18:10 | <devsforev> ogra: no I am not. I will investigate this option as well. However, I do not have a hard drive in the box right now (nor do I have one laying around). If I go this route, I'll pick up one for cheap online. Thanks for the tip!
| |
18:11 | <ogra> its a diskless fat client setup :)
| |
18:11 | <devsforev> ogra: Really?!
| |
18:11 | <ogra> talk to laga if he's around, he maintains it
| |
18:11 | * devsforev googles mythbuntu | |
18:12 | <devsforev> could mythbuntu connect to an existing myth system diskless? or would the server need to be running mythbuntu as well? If so, I couldn't do it --- i have spent months configuring this box
| |
18:14 | <ogra> well, mythbuntu wouldnt simply take you months ... not sure what you confgured there, but it should just work and has a very easy configuration UI
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18:14 | japerry has quit IRC | |
18:15 | <ogra> i have no ide about mythbuntu itself though, never used it, but i know it has an out of the box "diskless fat client" CD mode thats based on ltsp5 and configures itself just right
| |
18:17 | but really, best is to talk to laga, he works closely with mythtv as well as mythbuntu and did the diskless mode implementation ... he is on a european timezone ...
| |
18:17 | <devsforev> i'll look for him to become active. thanks for the advice!
| |
18:18 | * devsforev is booting with LDM_DIRECTX = true to see how it works right now | |
18:19 | <ogra> it drops the encryption overhead ... but i doubt that will help you much .... shoveling 30fps uncompressed over the network in fullscreen is simply saturating everything ...
| |
18:19 | (you could switch to 8bit color :P that would surely speed things up )
| |
18:20 | <Gadi> devsforev: another good test is to run mplayer from a terminal with the flag: -ao null
| |
18:20 | that kills audio
| |
18:20 | if the video improves, then it isnt a bandwidth issue
| |
18:21 | it is the player trying to keep video and audio sync'd
| |
18:22 | with LDM_DIRECTX = false, you will always have bad video - as you go through an unaccelerated proxy
| |
18:23 | <devsforev> Gadi: what if I make mplayer and such run as a local app? would that help
| |
18:23 | <Gadi> extremely
| |
18:23 | yes
| |
18:23 | <ogra> Gadi, are you in portland already ?
| |
18:23 | <devsforev> i'll try that idea
| |
18:23 | thanks!
| |
18:23 | <Gadi> then, you can send compressed video down to the client
| |
18:23 | ogra: I am typing from freegeek as we, er, speak
| |
18:24 | <ogra> Gadi, http://www.opensourcery.com/news/2008/07/beerforge-finish-your-oscon-week-style
| |
18:24 | we should meet there tonight :)
| |
18:24 | <Gadi> sounds good to me
| |
18:25 | <ogra> cool :)
| |
18:25 | <Gadi> my two favorite things - beer and forgery
| |
18:25 | hmm...
| |
18:25 | <ogra> they also have wine for vagrantc
| |
18:25 | * Gadi shakes his head | |
18:25 | <Gadi> ogra: have you seen warren?
| |
18:25 | <ogra> over what ?
| |
18:26 | <Gadi> (over wine)
| |
18:26 | <ogra> yes, we were at oscon the whole day
| |
18:26 | <Gadi> good times?
| |
18:26 | <ogra> and had the same flight
| |
18:26 | <Gadi> my flight was delayed so much - I didnt get in until 5AM portland time this morning
| |
18:26 | <devsforev> I am looking at the LocalApps wiki page right now, and there is a lot of stuff on making private/public keys. is that necessary for LocalApps, or just password-less login?
| |
18:26 | <ogra> and he did the upstream work on te ketchup bottle at lunch for me today, so i didnt have to pat it on the bottom to get ketchup for my fries :)
| |
18:27 | <Gadi> patting on the bottom is a rookie mistake
| |
18:27 | ;)
| |
18:27 | <ogra> (you know we ubuntu folks always rely on RH to do the real upstream work and then only integrate the outcome ;) )
| |
18:27 | <Gadi> so I hear
| |
18:27 | <ogra> yeah thats what sesamie street teaches you :)
| |
18:28 | never pat the bottom
| |
18:28 | but warren didnt want to hear ...
| |
18:28 | <Gadi> hehe
| |
18:28 | <ogra> bah ... delayed flights
| |
18:29 | <Gadi> in the airport, I wrote an rc.d script for localapps
| |
18:29 | <ogra> we sat on the airfield fro 45min because we would have flewn directly into a thunderstorm after takeoff
| |
18:29 | <Gadi> (speaking of localapps)
| |
18:29 | johnny has joined #ltsp | |
18:29 | <ogra> sweet !
| |
18:29 | <Gadi> we'll see if it works
| |
18:29 | :)
| |
18:29 | but, the framework's there
| |
18:29 | <ogra> did you notice that opnssh 5.1 has statfs support in sftp ?
| |
18:29 | <Gadi> wasnt I the one that mentioned it?
| |
18:29 | :D
| |
18:30 | <ogra> we'll get it in 8.10 and colin will also put it into debian experimenal
| |
18:30 | <Gadi> cool
| |
18:30 | <ogra> oh, you were, sorry
| |
18:30 | <johnny> really???
| |
18:30 | <Gadi> I wrote the script assuming a call to sshfs
| |
18:30 | <johnny> officially? not just in ubuntu?
| |
18:30 | <Gadi> figuring if we wind up shimming something, we just change the line
| |
18:30 | <johnny> hey guys
| |
18:30 | what are you up to?
| |
18:31 | <ogra> johnny, waiting for you to arrive
| |
18:31 | <johnny> lol
| |
18:31 | <ogra> we decided to stop any work until you are here
| |
18:31 | <johnny> i doubt it
| |
18:31 | <ogra> so no new ltsp stuff then
| |
18:31 | <johnny> since we're not supposed to be there until tomorrow right?
| |
18:31 | <ogra> only drunken devs
| |
18:31 | <johnny> isn't it a bit early?
| |
18:32 | * ogra arrived yesterday ... | |
18:32 | <johnny> altho you must be seriously jetlagged
| |
18:32 | <ogra> but wnet to OSCON
| |
18:32 | *went
| |
18:32 | <johnny> ouch.. we coulda met up
| |
18:32 | i couldn't afford to be in any of the stuff tho
| |
18:32 | except the expo hall, but i did score some schwag, and got some food out of it
| |
18:32 | <ogra> well, i'm actually over my jetlag after 10 days in the US ... but i didnt sleep well tonight and look like a zombie
| |
18:33 | <johnny> so, what are you up to tonight then?
| |
18:33 | <ogra> but people are used to me like that so i dont scare tham anymore ... (only the new ones :) )
| |
18:33 | tonoght -> http://www.opensourcery.com/news/2008/07/beerforge-finish-your-oscon-week-style
| |
18:34 | * vagrantc wonders where beerforge is | |
18:34 | japerry has joined #ltsp | |
18:34 | <johnny> oh.. you're gonna be there
| |
18:34 | <devsforev> can somebody tell me what i should to do make mplayer run as a local app? I just specified LOCAL_APPS = Y in my lts.conf, but the wikipage gets a little vague after that. Thanks a bunch
| |
18:34 | <johnny> vagrantc, sorry for disappearing on your earlier, oscon wifi sucks
| |
18:34 | <vagrantc> and scotty and sbalneav will be getting in right around the same time it starts
| |
18:34 | <devsforev> I also exported /homes
| |
18:34 | <ogra> vagrantc, yeah, we need to get them there
| |
18:34 | it goes on until 11pm
| |
18:34 | <johnny> so beerforge is free?
| |
18:34 | i didn't see
| |
18:35 | <ogra> as i understood it is, yes
| |
18:35 | <Gadi> devsforev: there is no automagic localdev support as yet - its one of the things a drunken lot of us will work on this weekend
| |
18:35 | <ogra> Gadi, only if johnny comes
| |
18:35 | else we'll ony be drunken
| |
18:35 | <Gadi> devsforev: until now, most folks cobble something together
| |
18:35 | * johnny decides not to show up.. | |
18:35 | * ogra burps in advance | |
18:35 | <johnny> i doubt it.. i think you burped forreal
| |
18:36 | <devsforev> Gadi: alright, i guess i'll google around a bit
| |
18:36 | <Gadi> Ill only go if its free as in beer
| |
18:36 | <johnny> lol
| |
18:36 | <ogra> well, in a time travelling manner
| |
18:36 | <Gadi> warren's the one devoted to free as in speech
| |
18:36 | <johnny> so do they check your open source credentials before allowing entry ?
| |
18:36 | <Gadi> :)
| |
18:36 | <ogra> he had beer with us last night
| |
18:36 | <Gadi> what?
| |
18:36 | <johnny> where were you guys/
| |
18:36 | <Gadi> no way
| |
18:36 | did you get a pic?
| |
18:37 | <johnny> nobody told me
| |
18:37 | <ogra> very good beer in erics favorite brewery
| |
18:37 | * johnny is sad | |
18:37 | * Gadi is sad to have been on a tarmac at the time | |
18:37 | <ogra> dont ask me for names ... i just sit in the trunk until they let me out to the bar
| |
18:38 | <johnny> dberkholz, you back yet?
| |
18:38 | dberkholz, i commmited most relevant 2008.0 updates
| |
18:38 | <ogra> i doubt it and the wlan at oscon sucks
| |
18:38 | <johnny> we really need to get my stuff merged
| |
18:39 | <ogra> we talked about it after lunch a bit, we'll get yu going johnny, no worries
| |
18:39 | <johnny> is there anything we can do to get some official tarballs of snapshots ? or should we do it ourselves?
| |
18:39 | no rpm please...
| |
18:39 | <ogra> do it yourself, we can show you
| |
18:39 | you need the mkdst branch for that
| |
18:40 | <johnny> so we'll host it on our mirrors then?
| |
18:40 | atm we require bzr
| |
18:40 | in the chroot
| |
18:40 | <ogra> you tag the main branch with the release version and run mkdst, that creates tar.gz and tar.bz2 for you
| |
18:40 | <johnny> it's not that bad of a requirement i guess
| |
18:40 | well.. you guys did the tagging already
| |
18:40 | don't need to tag myself until we get my stuff in, if dberkholz finds it acceptable
| |
18:40 | <ogra> if you dont wnat to bump the version just run mkdst
| |
18:41 | i think he will, else we tie you up in a corner at freegeek until it fits :)
| |
18:41 | <johnny> has anybody done work on continuing an install ? instead of hard failling if /opt/ltsp/$arch exists ?
| |
18:42 | <ogra> no, and it would be massivley unclean
| |
18:42 | in debian and ubuntu we have an option that reuses the packages at least and keeps them in place
| |
18:43 | but you still need to clean up before reinstalling, else you likely end up with a lot of mess in the chroot
| |
18:43 | <johnny> i missed a dep, and now i have to start all over
| |
18:43 | need to find a way to get the binaries from the cd
| |
18:43 | at least for development
| |
18:43 | <ogra> we *could* rm -r the dir ... but that would be mean for people accidentially forgetting the --croot arg
| |
18:43 | japerry has quit IRC | |
18:44 | <ogra> yes, you should have a way for that
| |
18:44 | <johnny> hmm.. imma chroot in there and quickpkg it all , donnie has a script for that
| |
18:45 | <ogra> which reminds me ...
| |
18:46 | * ogra goes and fixes the 8.10 ltsp-build-client | |
18:46 | <ogra> you evil guys just moved files around :P
| |
18:46 | * johnny hides your files | |
18:47 | <ogra> well, it was rather warren or altlinux that moved everything to subdirs in the scripts dir of ltsp-server
| |
18:47 | i just missed that so one plugin explodes
| |
18:48 | <johnny> i really need to go over the changes then
| |
18:48 | ok.. time to go browsin
| |
18:48 | so far.. i've yet to have to modify anything but ltsp-trunk
| |
18:48 | that is a good thing
| |
18:51 | fun.. i got a few things to do then
| |
18:52 | <ogra> you got us there for help :)
| |
18:53 | <johnny> shouldn't be much, some of it is what i suggested awhile
| |
18:53 | i have one question for dberkholz specifically, my chroot install failed due to X not being pulled in.. OOPS!
| |
18:53 | not sure where the dep should go, must have been too late
| |
18:54 | <ogra> well, we have a telnet mode :)
| |
18:54 | no need for X :P
| |
18:54 | <johnny> that's not true, ltspfs needs X :)
| |
18:54 | pkgconfig totally failed
| |
18:54 | <ogra> who needs ltspfs with telnet :)
| |
18:55 | <johnny> hmm.. guess i'll have to look into that..
| |
18:55 | so.. did you see that somebody actually got my ebuilds to work, with only a few questions?
| |
18:55 | and had a successfully booted install
| |
18:55 | considering it's not even been looked at by dberkholz
| |
18:55 | that makes me happy
| |
18:56 | * ogra wonders why the plastic cups in his hotelroom wear condoms | |
18:56 | <johnny> they tend to do that at hotels
| |
18:56 | <ogra> only in the US :)
| |
18:56 | i wonder what thats supposed to tell me
| |
18:58 | <johnny> that nobody would ever think to use your cup
| |
19:01 | <Lns> ...or whenever you drink from that cup, you've drank from every cup that your cup has been with
| |
19:02 | <johnny> lol
| |
19:02 | Lns, it's too bad you aren't here on the left coast... you'd be a good tester
| |
19:02 | ogra, what time are you thinking about getting there tomorrow?
| |
19:03 | <ogra> no idea, eric is my ride ...
| |
19:03 | Lns, giggel
| |
19:03 | <Lns> johnny, tester for cups with condoms?? =p left coast = west coast? I'm in Cali
| |
19:03 | <johnny> you're not takin the bus?
| |
19:03 | Lns, up here with us in portland
| |
19:03 | <Lns> ah
| |
19:03 | my sis lives in portland
| |
19:03 | <ogra> johnny, i'm a slacker (and my bag is heavy)
| |
19:04 | 3 laptops to carry and a lot of cable crap
| |
19:04 | <Lns> I'd love to be there.. Owning a startup is demanding though
| |
19:04 | <johnny> 3 laptops ?
| |
19:04 | <ogra> 2 classmates and my lappie
| |
19:04 | <johnny> i saw a classmate for the first time today
| |
19:04 | <ogra> i dont leave any valuable thing in the hotel
| |
19:04 | <johnny> there are safety deposit boxes..
| |
19:05 | <ogra> lol
| |
19:05 | you havent seen my hotel
| |
19:05 | <johnny> well at least you found A hotel..
| |
19:05 | <ogra> yeah
| |
19:05 | i actully like it ...
| |
19:06 | <johnny> i'm stayin at a friend's house
| |
19:06 | i'm just paying for food and transport
| |
19:06 | otherwise i wouldn't have been able to afford it
| |
19:06 | <ogra> especially the redneck family ... in whose backyard i look
| |
19:06 | <johnny> i can barely afford to come as it is.. but at least i'm gonna meet good contacts
| |
19:06 | <ogra> gives the whole thing an "qriginal" touch :)
| |
19:11 | roberto__ has quit IRC | |
19:18 | <devsforev> Just to clairfy: for me to get an app run as a "Local Application", I need to install them in the chroot enviornment. Am I right?
| |
19:20 | <Gadi> right
| |
19:21 | <devsforev> alright, cool. One question thought. If I call mplayer for instance, how does the terminal know to load the one in the chroot instead of the other instance on the server?
| |
19:22 | <ogra> it doesnt
| |
19:22 | <Gadi> thats where all the stuff you saw about sshkeys came in
| |
19:22 | <ogra> which is the problem we will attack during the next four days at the ltsp hackfest
| |
19:23 | <devsforev> ahhhh..... it makes sense now
| |
19:23 | <Gadi> that was a method to launch mplayer on the thin client from the server
| |
19:23 | you basically need:
| |
19:23 | 1. A program to launch
| |
19:23 | 2. A way to launch it
| |
19:23 | Shawn_Powers has quit IRC | |
19:24 | <Gadi> 3. If it is not run by root - an authentication mechanism and a home dir on the chroot
| |
19:24 | <ogra> s/chroot/running client/
| |
19:24 | <Gadi> right
| |
19:24 | sorry
| |
19:24 | (3) can be optional
| |
19:24 | depending on the situation
| |
19:24 | <ogra> yeah
| |
19:24 | <johnny> i doubt i'll be much help for that
| |
19:24 | except as a tester
| |
19:25 | * vagrantc goes to get tossed around | |
19:25 | * vagrantc will reappear later | |
19:25 | vagrantc has quit IRC | |
19:25 | <johnny> let me know how i can help
| |
19:25 | <devsforev> hmmm... the plot thickens
| |
19:25 | <ogra> johnny, you care for your base to get running ....
| |
19:25 | and pick our brains
| |
19:26 | we care for the other stuff ;)
| |
19:26 | <johnny> heading to freegeek to visit it before the hackfest
| |
19:26 | bye
| |
19:27 | johnny has left #ltsp | |
19:34 | ccherret1 has joined #ltsp | |
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19:46 | shogunx has quit IRC | |
19:47 | <dberkholz> bah, he left just in time for me to miss him
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19:48 | <ogra> he'll come to the beerforge
| |
19:48 | <dberkholz> oh good
| |
19:48 | <ogra> we should all wear nametags :)
| |
19:49 | <dberkholz> i might keep wearing my oscon one. depends what others do, i suppose
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19:50 | shogunx has joined #ltsp | |
19:51 | <ogra> i have a ton of ubuntu ones always with me .... but i keep my OSCON one on me
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20:18 | mccann has joined #ltsp | |
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20:54 | Gadi has left #ltsp | |
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21:47 | ogra has quit IRC | |
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23:49 | ccherret1 is now known as ccherrett | |
23:55 | indradg is now known as indradg|afk | |