00:07 | F-GT has quit IRC | |
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00:30 | <johnny> Faithful, imo they dont yet exist :)
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00:30 | perhaps the next generation of android tablets will fit the bill.. and make something like the detachable tablets cheaper
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00:30 | * johnny is assuming you want keyboards | |
00:31 | <johnny> i've never heard anything really good about some of the ones on the market now, but that's mostly because the applications aren't really optimized for them
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00:32 | i think it's taking the ipad and android stuff to make it happen
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01:34 | <gnunux> hi
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08:33 | <highvoltage> moo
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08:34 | <robehend1> well hello there
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08:39 | alkisg_debian has joined #ltsp | |
08:45 | <robehend1> if I set gconf settings with one user, will it roll over to all users? users are local to the box, btw
| |
08:46 | <alkisg_debian> If you have users on the chroot and change their settings, they'll affect all terminals, sure
| |
08:46 | <robehend1> what if their on the server?
| |
08:47 | <alkisg_debian> Then just that one user, unless you make them default or mandatory
| |
08:47 | <robehend1> ah, so if I set it to mandatory, it'll go for all users?
| |
08:47 | <alkisg_debian> Right
| |
08:47 | <robehend1> any way to exclude one user from it being mandatory? So I dont, say, lock my account of the terminal ;)
| |
08:48 | <alkisg_debian> sabayon...
| |
08:48 | <robehend1> cant get it to work on this one without crashing and burning
| |
08:48 | <alkisg_debian> Yeah i know the story :(
| |
08:48 | <robehend1> i did try though!
| |
08:49 | i'm thinking it might be part of the server being in KVM though. I can run Sabayon, mostly, when i'm local to the machine. if i VNC in though, crash and burn
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09:07 | bobby_C has joined #ltsp | |
09:07 | zz_evil_root is now known as evil_root | |
09:08 | <highvoltage> hello robehend1
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09:09 | alkisg_debian: interesting nick change :)
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09:09 | Pweg has joined #ltsp | |
09:10 | <pmatulis> i'm trying to add a printer on my lucid ltsp server and it prompts for the root user's credentials. i remember seeing this a long time ago (fixed?)
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09:11 | <alkisg_debian> highvoltage: my laptop decided that it didn't want to start again after installing natty (black screen, I can't even enter the bios) so I had to use my thin client with a local squeeze installation... :D
| |
09:11 | Trying to find out how to reset cmos without seeing anything :D
| |
09:12 | <highvoltage> ouch
| |
09:13 | <robehend1> eww, and with a lappy, no going in to pull the battery
| |
09:14 | <alkisg_debian> I removed the battery, waited for 30 mins, nothing, now i have it open and trying to locate the RTC battery but I think it doesn't have one!
| |
09:15 | <muppis> alkisg_debian, what brand/model?
| |
09:15 | <alkisg_debian> so i'll try to find a friend that has the same laptop on the phone, to get me through the "load bios defaults" steps without seeing anything...
| |
09:15 | muppis: acer aspire 5920g
| |
09:16 | <muppis> alkisg_debian, tried to keep power button pressed for 30 without battery and cord?
| |
09:16 | 30 secs.
| |
09:17 | <alkisg_debian> Nope, trying...
| |
09:17 | <robehend1> whats the best resolution for an LDM theme background image? 800x600?
| |
09:18 | <highvoltage> I believe the current default ones are 1600x1280
| |
09:19 | <robehend1> oh, nice. I'm making one in Gimp for my elementary, so wanted to make sure it wouldnt look horrendous.
| |
09:19 | You k now, beyond my lack of graphical artist sills horrendous..
| |
09:19 | <highvoltage> oops, nope it's 1680x1050
| |
09:20 | <robehend1> that works
| |
09:26 | <alkisg_debian> Nah, keeping the power button 30 secs without battery+cord didn't help
| |
09:27 | <muppis> alkisg_debian, ok. Thats was official first-fix for HP's laptops gpu faulta.. ;)
| |
09:27 | -a
| |
09:28 | <robehend1> oh hp, you and your laptops that light on fire..
| |
09:29 | <muppis> robehend1, well. Those are hot, especially AMD ones..
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09:54 | * alkisg_debian managed to get into vista and hear the login sound, but couldn't get either the internal or external monitors to work :( | |
09:55 | <muppis> Good start, at least.
| |
09:55 | <alkisg_debian> I even extracted the vga card and re-plugged it, nothing
| |
09:58 | <muppis> Sounds tricky.
| |
10:02 | <highvoltage> alkisg_debian: do you use ltsp on debian as well? what does it use for ldm theme? the default upstream one?
| |
10:03 | <alkisg_debian> highvoltage: I tried with an 128 mb thin client as a server :) so I couldn't get ubuntu on it and got debian squeeze,
| |
10:03 | it has a blue background with an ltsp logo on it
| |
10:03 | I think that's the upstream one? (btw it sucks :D)
| |
10:03 | <highvoltage> ah, yes that's the upstream one
| |
10:04 | yeah I just noticed that there is no ldm-theme packages in the debian archives and wonder what they used
| |
10:04 | * alkisg_debian got remote X access to his broken laptop at last :D | |
10:04 | <alkisg_debian> brb, switching to xdmcp...
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10:44 | <muppis> alkisg_debian, didn't work?
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10:46 | <alkisg_debian> lspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA
| |
10:46 | <nothing>
| |
10:46 | :(
| |
10:47 | so ssh works but X doesn't start - maybe somehow the graphics card was burned...
| |
10:48 | <muppis> Bummer.
| |
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10:58 | <knipwim> anyone any clues for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ltsp/+bug/689381 ?
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11:07 | Da-Geek has joined #ltsp | |
11:09 | <evil_root> i love gentoo
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11:34 | <knipwim> evil_root: then you must have some clues :)
| |
11:35 | <evil_root> sadly no, we switched to ubuntu for our ltsp almost a year ago
| |
11:35 | my only guess is that ldm 2.2 is trying to use inet6
| |
11:35 | and when it cant it fails insted of using ip4
| |
11:36 | i ment to say ipv6 insted of inet6
| |
11:36 | but none of that helps u
| |
11:36 | are you using ltsp 4?
| |
11:37 | <knipwim> no, ltsp 5.2.5
| |
11:38 | i was wondering about the ipv6 too
| |
11:38 | but i gathered it should use ipv4 instead
| |
11:38 | <evil_root> do they have a port again for ltsp 5 or is it still alpha?
| |
11:39 | <knipwim> it's in a gentoo overlay
| |
11:39 | <evil_root> oh ok
| |
11:39 | <knipwim> but relatively stable i believe
| |
11:40 | <evil_root> i always found gentoo bad for x just because of all the blocked packages
| |
11:40 | but as far as a server
| |
11:40 | hands down gentoo is my fav
| |
11:46 | <knipwim> your analysis could be correct, but
| |
11:46 | it seems weird for ldm to require ipv6
| |
11:46 | <evil_root> agreed
| |
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12:03 | Gremble has joined #ltsp | |
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12:28 | <robehend1> say, anyone able to explain to me the --kiosk flag on ltsp-build-client? I ran an image with it, but it appeared normal to me..isnt it supposed to autologin and start firefox in fullscreen?
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12:35 | alkisg_debian has joined #ltsp | |
12:36 | <robehend1> alkisg_debian: Say, you know anything about the --kiosk plugin to ltsp-build-client?
| |
12:37 | <alkisg_debian> I know that it used to not work, and it was recently rewritten... nothing more
| |
12:37 | <robehend1> ah, ok. i dont think it's working still then ha
| |
12:38 | <alkisg_debian> Remind me what distro/version are you using?
| |
12:38 | <robehend1> ubuntu 10.10
| |
12:38 | <alkisg_debian> Did you create any users in the chroot that might conflict?
| |
12:38 | <robehend1> ran ltsp-build-client --kiosk, it builds fine, is bootable, etc. But beyond having Firefox installed as a localapp by default, it didnt do anything different than normal
| |
12:38 | no users in the chroot
| |
12:39 | <alkisg_debian> afaik it should be working in 10.10... what problem are you having?
| |
12:39 | <robehend1> well, its either a problem, or i'm just thinking it does something it doesnt
| |
12:39 | but if i'm not mistaken, doesnt the --kiosk plugin give you an image that will autologin and launch firefox fullscreen?
| |
12:39 | <alkisg_debian> Something like that, yes
| |
12:40 | What does it do for you?
| |
12:40 | <robehend1> just what a normal ltsp would do. I'm greeted with LDM, which I have to enter credentials, and then it brings to me to Gnome, not starting anything
| |
12:40 | only thing I found different was Firefox was pre-installed as a local app
| |
12:41 | <alkisg_debian> Did you see any errors while running ltsp-build-client -kiosk?
| |
12:41 | <robehend1> no, ran smoothly
| |
12:41 | <alkisg_debian> Sounds like a bug then...
| |
12:41 | <Gadi> try setting: SCREEN_07=kiosk
| |
12:41 | <robehend1> Gadi: in lts.conf, correct?
| |
12:42 | <Gadi> yup
| |
12:42 | <alkisg_debian> Ah, that might be a reason :D
| |
12:42 | Gadi, any lts.conf option for a burned nvidia card on my laptop? :D
| |
12:42 | <robehend1> makes sense. I didnt really find any documentation on it at all through google, so I thought it 'just worked'
| |
12:42 | <Gadi> at one point we changed the kiosk plugin such that there was no gdm and it could run alongside a normal chroot
| |
12:42 | it needs some loving still
| |
12:43 | <robehend1> so what can I expect, if I want to put it into production?
| |
12:43 | I figured having an autostarting firefox with no login would be perfect for 1st graders
| |
12:43 | <Gadi> and the only docs I can think of are by reading: /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ltsp/screen.d/kiosk
| |
12:43 | <johnny> robehend1, why not just use fat clients and uninstall the crap you don' want?
| |
12:43 | if nothing else, that will work
| |
12:44 | <robehend1> johnny: machines are 1.8ghz celerons with 256 mb ram :(
| |
12:44 | <johnny> firefox will suck on both
| |
12:44 | <Gadi> alkisg_debian: we should add that as a wishlist
| |
12:44 | :)
| |
12:44 | <johnny> flash will really really suck robehend1
| |
12:44 | <robehend1> Oh, agreed. But it'll suck less with just firefox ;)
| |
12:44 | <johnny> are you sure you want kiosk mode?
| |
12:44 | it runs it locally
| |
12:44 | * alkisg_debian postpones the btrfs testing until it doesn't burn graphics cards anymore... :P | |
12:45 | <Gadi> yikes, really?
| |
12:45 | <johnny> burns graphics cards??
| |
12:45 | <robehend1> Yep. I've tried local firefox and flash before on these machines, and while it was sluggish, it was enough for 1st grade to screw around on
| |
12:45 | <alkisg_debian> All I know is that it happened on reboot, after installing natty with btrfs :D
| |
12:45 | <johnny> ok.. good
| |
12:45 | <Gadi> alkisg_debian: thats why God invented virtual machines ;)
| |
12:45 | <robehend1> heh
| |
12:46 | now if only kvm supported virtual machines that pxeboot, i could test this setup from here, instead of waiting till tommorrow to test it on a client.
| |
12:46 | <Gadi> robehend1: does it support boot from iso?
| |
12:47 | <robehend1> Gadi: indeed
| |
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12:47 | <Gadi> robehend1: download a pxe-boot iso from rom-o-matic
| |
12:47 | <robehend1> hmm, didnt even think of that
| |
12:48 | download, scp it over, and we're good to go
| |
12:48 | <Gadi> yup
| |
12:49 | * Gadi had though kvm used qemu and that qemu could netboot these days | |
12:49 | <robehend1> known bug in the most recent version of Qemu
| |
12:49 | <Gadi> ah
| |
12:50 | <robehend1> it *thinks* it can netboot. and it can, on links directly between 2 virtual hosts
| |
12:50 | but if you want it to talk to the outside world, nope
| |
12:50 | <Gadi> just when they had it working, they went and broke it again
| |
12:50 | <robehend1> it seems to
| |
12:50 | so*
| |
12:50 | <Gadi> its good to know we arent the only project that does that
| |
12:50 | :)
| |
12:50 | <robehend1> you just like to keep things interesting
| |
12:50 | <Gadi> job security
| |
12:50 | ;)
| |
12:51 | <robehend1> i've kept telling myself that for the last two days, as my core 3com switch kept acting up
| |
12:53 | hmm. never saw this before. scp: .: not a regular file
| |
12:56 | wait, nvm, i'm stupid and put unneeded spaces
| |
13:06 | Gadi: hmmm, rom-o-matic pxe booting causes kernel panic. I'm slatting it up to a bug in Qemu
| |
13:08 | random question. if I already have a functional chroot on a server, is that way to tell the ltsp-build-client to go pull packages from that, instead of it going out to the internet each time?
| |
13:09 | <alkisg_debian> not exactly, but there is --mount-package-cache and -dir
| |
13:09 | So you can use those instead
| |
13:09 | ltsp-build-client --extra-help
| |
13:09 | <robehend1> ah, thats what i was looking for. man ltsp-build-client wasnt to descriptive ;)
| |
13:11 | so, if i'm reading this right, i would just do ltsp-build-client --mount-package-cache --mount-package-dir /opt/ltsp/i386 ?
| |
13:11 | <alkisg_debian> no
| |
13:12 | either *just* --mount-package-cache, or --mount-package-dir=/opt/ltsp/i386/var/cache/apt/archives
| |
13:12 | the -cache variant uses the server dir for archives
| |
13:12 | instead of the chroot or another dir
| |
13:12 | <robehend1> oh..would I be better off doing it to the server, or to a chroot? I'm thinking server, since it's what, you know, installs the chroot..
| |
13:13 | <alkisg_debian> Right, you just can't use apt on the server when you do that
| |
13:13 | <robehend1> ah, cuz it would screw with the cache, correct?
| |
13:14 | <alkisg_debian> Right, apt uses a lock there
| |
13:14 | <robehend1> works for me, i'm the only one using apt on the server anyways atm
| |
13:14 | <alkisg_debian> So just -cache with no dir parameter
| |
13:15 | <robehend1> not --mount-package-cache ?
| |
13:15 | <alkisg_debian> Don't provide a dir beside that
| |
13:15 | Just plain --mount-package-cache
| |
13:15 | <robehend1> oh good. i had already sent that command, wanted to make sure i didnt screw anything up
| |
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13:28 | <robehend1> Gadi: With an ltsp kiosk, what user is it actually logging in as?
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13:40 | <Gadi> robehend1: "ltspkiosk"
| |
13:41 | <robehend1> hmm, ok
| |
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13:59 | evil_root is now known as zz_evil_root | |
14:01 | <knipwim> which should have preference in the ltsp-build-client arguments, commandline or configfile?
| |
14:06 | i'm guessing commandline, but i'm not sure
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14:06 | johnny has left #ltsp | |
14:15 | <robehend1> knipwim: I like command line, as you can fix it per chroot creation
| |
14:23 | Gadi: if the users are all logging in as "ltspkiosk", is there a way for me to pre-populate the Bookmarks with common links?
| |
14:26 | <Gadi> robehend1: read: /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ltsp/screen.d/kiosk
| |
14:27 | <robehend1> will do
| |
14:28 | <Gadi> and by that, I mean read the comments
| |
14:28 | :)
| |
14:28 | <robehend1> ha, always the best form of documentation
| |
14:28 | <Gadi> I think you can dump whatever you want in /usr/local/share/ltspkiosk/home and /usr/local/share/ltspkiosk/startup
| |
14:29 | the former gets copied to the ltspkiosk homedir
| |
14:29 | and the latter gets executed
| |
14:29 | <robehend1> hmm. what good would it be, throwing something in the homedir, if firefox runs fullscreen?
| |
14:30 | <Gadi> eg. cp -a .mozilla /usr/local/share/ltspkiosk/home
| |
14:30 | <robehend1> ah, that makes sense then
| |
14:30 | <Gadi> to have a prepopulated env
| |
14:30 | just for the kiosk mode
| |
14:31 | I know, prolly much better ways of doing a kiosk mode, but as I say, it needs more loving than it gets
| |
14:31 | :)
| |
14:31 | <robehend1> hmm. I appear to have no screen.d folder under /opt/ltsp/Kiosk/usr/share/ltsp
| |
14:32 | nor /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ltsp
| |
14:40 | johnny has joined #ltsp | |
14:44 | <Gadi> huh?
| |
14:44 | impossible
| |
14:47 | <robehend1> ya, i looked more into it, saw some lovely errors, so i'm rebuilding an image
| |
15:07 | <tekoholic> I'm new to LTSP, just having installed my first test server yesterday. Other than by CLI / chroot, I cannot find any means by which to administer users?
| |
15:07 | <robehend1> what distro?
| |
15:07 | <tekoholic> Ubuntu Lucid LTS
| |
15:08 | <robehend1> your server should have a gui on it, correct?
| |
15:08 | <tekoholic> Yes
| |
15:08 | <robehend1> on that gui, if you go to system, administration, and t hen "users and groups", you can add them through the gui
| |
15:08 | <tekoholic> But any users created on server cannot login to diskless client
| |
15:08 | <robehend1> i was not aware of this.
| |
15:09 | <tekoholic> I'm told that the new user must change password, on attempted login, and it fails
| |
15:10 | <robehend1> can you login to a client using the user you made during server install?
| |
15:12 | <tekoholic> I could on the server, but not on client, until I followed instructions at this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/CreateChrootAdminAcct
| |
15:12 | <robehend1> well, thats weird. I've never had to do that.
| |
15:12 | hmm..anything sitting in the logs? /var/log/auth, i believe
| |
15:12 | er, auth.log
| |
15:16 | <tekoholic> Not much that I can see as showing error...
| |
15:17 | I am logging into the server via x2go, and that's really all I can see referenced by the auth.log
| |
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15:20 | <robehend1> hmm...
| |
15:20 | have you changed the IP address of the server since you built the image?
| |
15:20 | <tekoholic> nope
| |
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15:20 | <robehend1> try logging into the server via straight ssh? see if that lets you in at least
| |
15:22 | alkisg_debian has joined #ltsp | |
15:23 | <tekoholic> I am currently logged into it via x2go, essentially a vnc-over-ssh sort of remote desktop. I can ssh, or this wouldn't work
| |
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15:23 | <robehend1> hmm. I dont know what to tell you. i've found that if i can get in via ssh with a user, i can get in via ldm as well.
| |
15:24 | zz_evil_root is now known as evil_root | |
15:26 | <tekoholic> well, I did just ssh into localhost as the test user and changed password, and I'm now going to attempt a diskless boot again, log in as test
| |
15:27 | <robehend1> ya, lets see how that goes. its weird though. only account i've ever had to make inside the chroot itself is an admin account, and I dont even do that anymore with the local xterm
| |
15:32 | <alkisg_debian> tekoholic: so you unlocked the root account on the chroot?
| |
15:32 | <robehend1> alkisg_debian: he's not able to login with any users made by the gnome users and groups tool
| |
15:34 | <alkisg_debian> trying `ssh user@server` from a local shell on the thin client is a good way to troubleshoot that
| |
15:34 | <robehend1> he's using x2go, and figures since thats ssh, he should be fine. that was my thought too
| |
15:34 | <alkisg_debian> If it's a problem with the keys, then no
| |
15:34 | <robehend1> hmm
| |
15:34 | <alkisg_debian> The chroot needs to know the server ssh key
| |
15:35 | <robehend1> makes sense. he says he hasnt changed the ip, so i didnt think he'd need to run ltsp-update-sshkeys or whatever
| |
15:35 | <alkisg_debian> a test would tell us the problem...
| |
15:35 | As the console is more verbose than ldm in those cases
| |
15:40 | <robehend1> tekoholic: any luck?
| |
15:45 | alkisg has joined #ltsp | |
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15:59 | * alkisg is watching a youtube video that says that if I put my graphics card in the oven, for 10 mins to 200°C, it'll be resurrected... :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVaFICtnJ50 | |
16:01 | <robehend1> whoa careful with that
| |
16:01 | all kinds of nasty chemicals in your video card..and it'll leak into your oven
| |
16:02 | <alkisg> I'll try with a heating pistol first, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEx6g-xt0CI&NR=1
| |
16:02 | my god how did they come up with that stuff?!
| |
16:02 | <robehend1> Gadi: got a new chroot, put it into Screen_07 = kiosk, but it just boots to busybox with an itranfms prompt
| |
16:02 | alkisg: to much time and spare parts, my guess
| |
16:03 | <alkisg> robehend1: remove "quiet splash" from pxelinux.cfg/default to see the error message before the initramfs prompt
| |
16:03 | <robehend1> hmm ok..
| |
16:08 | <tekoholic> Sorry, had a smoke and a coupla' phone calls to take, but I DID get in. Kubuntu always insists on a passwd-change on first login of a new user, and it wasn't being accepted from the diskless login screen
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16:09 | Root account is NOT unlocked, just the admin user, and ssh to localhost as test-user allowed me to change pass
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16:10 | <robehend1> nice
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16:10 | alkisg: Error: could not connect to NBD server
| |
16:11 | <alkisg> robehend1: try nbd-client server-ip 2000 /dev/nbd0
| |
16:11 | * alkisg takes the heating pistol... | |
16:11 | <robehend1> hmm, kk
| |
16:14 | <tekoholic> thanx to both robehend1 and alkisg, for the help
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16:15 | <robehend1> no prob
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16:15 | alkisg: the nbd-client command gave me a "negotions" and then some numbers.
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16:15 | alkisg: i went into the pxelinux.cfg/default, and saw the port in there is listed 2001.
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16:16 | alkisg: trying nbd-client with port 2001 gave me a connection refused message
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16:16 | <alkisg> grep ncd /etc/inetd.conf
| |
16:16 | *nbd
| |
16:17 | ah
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16:17 | then you need 2000 in pxelinux
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16:17 | not 2001
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16:18 | <robehend1> alkisg: did that, tested it, and its coming up with "no ltspkiosk user", on a cli login
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16:21 | pfft, would help if i read the kiosk file more closely..that big "THIS SESSION MUST HAVE A USERNAME LTSPKIOSK" part
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16:21 | alkisg_debian has joined #ltsp | |
16:23 | alkisg has quit IRC | |
16:28 | Gadi has left #ltsp | |
16:28 | <robehend1> alkisg_debian: so, added the ltspkiosk user to the chroot, updated the image, still getting the "no ltspkiosk user" message
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16:29 | <alkisg_debian> robehend1: for the kiosk specific part you'll need Gadi, I've never played with it
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16:29 | <robehend1> ah, no problem. I think its cuz i gave it a password..
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16:30 | robbie has joined #ltsp | |
16:30 | <robehend1> is there a way to make a user that *doesnt* have a passowrd?
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16:30 | er, password
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16:30 | robbie is now known as robbie72 | |
16:37 | <alkisg_debian> omg the heating worked!
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16:37 | <robehend1> wooo
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16:38 | <alkisg_debian> I'm not sure I believe it myself!
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16:38 | <robehend1> the question is, how long will it work ;)
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16:38 | alkisg has joined #ltsp | |
16:39 | <alkisg> Back with my little laptop... :D
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16:39 | <robehend1> always a good day
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16:40 | <alkisg> Well I can heat it again, 1 time each day, if it feels cold for my 8600M :D
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16:40 | <Trixboxer> alkisg: Hi, Happy new Year :)
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16:40 | <robehend1> grr, ill have to wait for Gadi for this. The LTSPkiosk user exists, i made it have no password, updated the image, and it still thinks it doesnt
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16:40 | <alkisg> I don't think the password matters, I suspect it'll be using "sudo su kioskuser firefox" etc
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16:40 | (without sudo as it's already root)
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16:41 | <robehend1> it is. it just doesnt see the user existing
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16:41 | which is weird, since under the chroot, running getent passwd ltspkiosk returns valid files
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16:44 | alkisg_debian has quit IRC | |
16:46 | <robehend1> hmm wait. when I run an ltsp-update-image, under "Number of uids" i dont have ltspkiosk listed..but i chrooted into the /opt/ltsp/kiosk directory and did an adduser ltspkiosk..did I do something wrong?
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16:48 | bah, its supper time. have a good night all. or morning, afternoon, whatevers applicable
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16:48 | robehend1 has left #ltsp | |
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17:46 | * alkisg puts a blanket over his GPU and heads to bed... night all | |
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17:57 | evil_root is now known as zz_evil_root | |
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