00:11 | <dan__t> howdy.
| |
00:19 | <vagrantc> mathesis: hi
| |
00:22 | <mathesis> vagrantc: voy inicar otro intento
| |
00:22 | con ltsp4.2
| |
00:22 | <vagrantc> no me gusta ltsp4.2
| |
00:25 | <mathesis> you can help me with ltsp5?
| |
00:26 | <vagrantc> i am much more able to help with ltsp5 ...
| |
00:26 | seeing as i know how it works better
| |
00:30 | <mathesis> vagrantc: puedes ayudarme con una instalacion ltsp5?
| |
00:30 | <vagrantc> mathesis: necesito dormir ahora ...
| |
00:31 | <mathesis> mañana
| |
00:31 | <vagrantc> siempre mañana ... :)
| |
00:32 | quisas a domingo
| |
00:32 | <mathesis> ok
| |
00:56 | vagrantc has quit IRC | |
00:58 | ashu_ has joined #ltsp | |
00:58 | <ashu_> Hi fellas
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00:58 | Has anybody been successful in getting ekiga up on the client ?
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00:59 | ashu_ has left #ltsp | |
01:00 | ash_ has joined #ltsp | |
01:00 | <ash_> hi again
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01:02 | mathesis has quit IRC | |
01:10 | mathesis has joined #ltsp | |
01:11 | <mathesis> hi
| |
01:13 | <ash_> Hi mathesis
| |
01:14 | <mathesis> ash_: i have problem
| |
01:15 | <ash_> What is it, mathesis
| |
01:15 | <mathesis> Feb 21 19:12:03 ltsp tftpd[3752]: tftpd: trying to get file: /var/lib/tftpboot/vmlinuz-
| |
01:15 | Feb 21 19:12:03 ltsp tftpd[3752]: tftpd: read: Connection refused
| |
01:15 | <ash_> Looks like a permission issue, mathesis
| |
01:16 | <mathesis> http://pastebin.ca/367282
| |
01:16 | how can i permission
| |
01:16 | <ash_> Run ltspadmin
| |
01:16 | and see if tftpserver is running or not
| |
01:21 | <mathesis> http://compuevolucion.cymaho.com/Pantallazo.png
| |
01:21 | tftp is run
| |
01:25 | ash_ has left #ltsp | |
01:32 | <dan__t> Are all the clients having this problem, mathesis?
| |
01:32 | Does /var/lib/tftpboot/vmlinuz- exist?
| |
01:32 | do you specify a tftproot dir anywhere?
| |
01:32 | <mathesis> yes it exist
| |
01:32 | <dan__t> does the dhcp server point to the right file *exactly*?
| |
01:34 | <mathesis> dan__t: you have debian?
| |
01:34 | <dan__t> I do not, sorry.
| |
01:34 | It does appear to be a permissions problem - I was just trying to maybe point out other common mistakes.
| |
01:36 | However, I need to get some sleep here. I'll be back in a few hours :)
| |
01:37 | <mathesis> dan__t: you try with ssh?
| |
01:38 | <dan__t> try what
| |
01:40 | <mathesis> you can try at my server lstp?
| |
01:40 | with ssh?
| |
01:40 | <dan__t> Er... I'd be happy to help, but I would be afraid to break something at this hour heheh.
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02:01 | jerns1 has joined #ltsp | |
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03:13 | joebaker_ has joined #ltsp | |
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03:55 | ogra has joined #ltsp | |
04:08 | ash_ has joined #ltsp | |
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04:08 | jerns1 has joined #ltsp | |
04:09 | <jerns1> ogra: ping ?
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04:17 | Avatara has joined #ltsp | |
04:18 | <ash_> Hi jerns1
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04:24 | <jerns1> hi ash_
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04:25 | jerns1 is now known as jernst | |
04:37 | <ogra> jernst, sorry, i'm not actually here (on a conference holing a course)
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04:37 | *holding even
| |
04:40 | <jernst> ok ogra, just tell me when you have 5 minutes ; i have been refered to you concerning muekow and problems with setting the videoram
| |
04:40 | <ogra> there is no way to do that ... apart from specifying a static xorg.conf for the machine ...
| |
04:42 | <jernst> is it planned to readd this functionnality ? Are you still working on improving muekow ?
| |
04:44 | <mistik1> hey ogra
| |
04:45 | ogra: http://rafb.net/p/Ccufdu19.html <- Am I making sense?
| |
04:46 | <jernst> I tried the static xorg.conf trick but X wouldn't show and I have no way of knowing why as the exported fs is r/only.
| |
04:46 | I'm using http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/Clients#T5125
| |
04:46 | It would be better of course if the videoram was correctly detected...
| |
05:21 | Faithful has quit IRC | |
05:22 | Faithful has joined #ltsp | |
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05:45 | <ogra> jernst, indeed, but thats a bug in the X server that should be solved there
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05:46 | <ogra> with 7.2 Xorg will drastically reduce usage of the xorg.conf
| |
05:46 | with the target to get rid of it completely in future realeases
| |
05:52 | Faithful1 has joined #ltsp | |
05:53 | <jernst> thanks ogra
| |
05:53 | MoL0ToV has joined #ltsp | |
05:59 | <cliebow> a5benwillis, ask ogra..he'll know
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06:01 | robbie has joined #ltsp | |
06:07 | <bricode> Will feisty include 7.2?
| |
06:07 | xorg.conf is the devil.
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06:07 | msinhore has joined #ltsp | |
06:16 | <mistik1> ogra: are you saying configuration will all be autoprobed a launch time?
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06:27 | robbie has quit IRC | |
06:29 | <ogra> mistik1, thats the plan as i understood the X board decisions ...
| |
06:30 | bricode, yes, but it will still use xorg.conf ... its a long and painful process to get rid of that crap :)
| |
06:30 | Avatara has quit IRC | |
06:30 | <ogra> (and very hard to prevet settings on upgrades ... all these pieces have to fit together first before a final drop can happen)
| |
06:31 | s/prevet/preserve
| |
06:32 | <dberkholz> mistik1: well, the plan is to make it so there's a sensible default with no xorg.conf. of course nondefault configs will still need some small xorg.conf section
| |
06:33 | <ogra> i wouldnt know what for if everything can be configured on the fly (which is the actual target)
| |
06:33 | you wnt need any static file for that ...
| |
06:33 | msinhore has quit IRC | |
06:34 | Avatara has joined #ltsp | |
06:35 | ash_ has quit IRC | |
06:35 | FlyOnTheWall has joined #ltsp | |
06:39 | <jernst> is there a way to see what xorg.conf muekow generated for a specific client in order to take this config as a base ?
| |
06:41 | <mistik1> dberkholz: That should be interesting with all the displays/cards floating around
| |
06:41 | multiheads and all that
| |
06:42 | <sep> jernst, you can ssh to the client and look at it there
| |
06:42 | jernst, installs ssh and set a password in the muekow chroot
| |
06:44 | <jernst> sep: ok will do
| |
06:51 | J45p3r_ has joined #ltsp | |
06:54 | FlyOnTheWall has quit IRC | |
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06:57 | FlyOnTheWall has joined #ltsp | |
07:00 | <a5benwillis> cliebow: I got an email back from Petr the module maintainer. Maybe he'll be able to shed some light on the issue
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07:00 | But I'll ask orga to :)
| |
07:01 | orga: Im trying to setup Edubuntu LTSP to authenticate to a Novell NDS server using the Pam_ncp_auth.so module. I am having an issue with the SSH authentication specifically.
| |
07:02 | The module authenticated the GDM session perfectly but without SSH the thin clients cant log in.
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07:02 | FlyOnTheWall has quit IRC | |
07:07 | bricode has quit IRC | |
07:12 | FlyOnTheWall has joined #ltsp | |
07:13 | <FlyOnTheWall> I tried to get pulseaudio to work but ended up reverting to esd, the gnome sounds work, but xmms, mpg321 and vlc all try the pulse-alsa plugin, any clue to as where to look for the faulty config?
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07:15 | anivair has joined #LTSP | |
07:16 | <anivair> hey, does anyone have the link to the ltsp sound page? I've never had any motivation to set sound up before, but we need it pretty soon on one terminal, so i thought I'd give it a shot.
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07:16 | or is sound also one of hte things done by default on edubuntu?
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07:34 | <dberkholz> ogra: well, i wouldn't want to reconfigure my specific dualhead setup every single time i start X ..
| |
07:34 | ogra: or if i prefer some lower resolution than my monitor can handle, e.g.
| |
07:36 | <ogra> dberkholz, well, X would detect a second monitor and just use it ...
| |
07:37 | pipedrea1 is now known as pipedream | |
07:37 | <ogra> you probably would have to have some config that says where which monitor is attached, but thats it
| |
07:37 | <pipedream> ,
| |
07:37 | <a5benwillis> dberkholz: Are you trying to automate changing you xorg.conf?
| |
07:37 | pipedream has quit IRC | |
07:37 | <a5benwillis> I have two different xorgs, one for work=dual monitor and one for home=laptop monitor
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07:38 | <ogra> a5benwillis, are you willis ?
| |
07:38 | <a5benwillis> thats my last name...
| |
07:38 | <ogra> ah, yur mail adress is backwards :) hey
| |
07:38 | nice to meet you
| |
07:39 | <a5benwillis> same.
| |
07:39 | did you see my rather long question orgs?
| |
07:39 | <ogra> yes, did the last mail from gavin help you ?
| |
07:40 | <a5benwillis> oh, you're on the email list!!??
| |
07:40 | <ogra> i run that list :)
| |
07:40 | <a5benwillis> I havent had a chance to go through it just yet.
| |
07:40 | from what I can tell I need to try NSS for the SSH authentication
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07:41 | <a5benwillis> ogra: I've also emailed Petr Vandrove and gotten a reply. He wanted to know what the exact issue was.
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07:44 | <a5benwillis> ogra: Gavins email has a lot of information. I guess I'll just go down the list and try it all but everything seems to point to this not working with the NCP module alone.
| |
07:45 | <ogra> yeah, you likely need to set up more ... but i cant imagine that it doesnt work at all ...
| |
07:47 | might be that some ssh tweaking is needed ... pam_mount has some probs with privilege separation with ssh ... there are some howtows on how to work around that, probably the ssh suggestions from there help
| |
07:47 | i'm sadly at a conference currently and have neither constant net access nor the docs and data here to look them up now ...
| |
07:49 | <a5benwillis> ogra: No problem. I've been working on this for a few weeks already. Thanks for the help!
| |
07:49 | I'll just keep hanging around here. Someone who ahs this workings sure to show up sooner or later :)
| |
07:50 | <ogra> a5benwillis, well, cliebow is a master for setups with strange server configurations :)
| |
07:52 | he will get your clients to authenticate against a waffle iron on a good day ;)
| |
07:52 | <a5benwillis> ogra: The bad part is, I've found many how-tos for this but I guess they are intended to work with older LTSP versions or at least ones that don't use LDM.
| |
07:53 | <ogra> s/LDM/ssh/ :)
| |
07:53 | its not ldms fault ...
| |
07:53 | next time if i'm back home i'll look into that ...
| |
07:54 | <a5benwillis> curses SSH
| |
07:59 | <ogra> it might just be a setting like the privilege separation with pam_mount
| |
08:00 | if so, i can just change the default for edubuntu for future releases and people coming after you wont have that probs ;)
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08:13 | pscheie has joined #ltsp | |
08:13 | <pscheie> morning all
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08:16 | <a5benwillis> ogra: That sounds to simple. How can I find out if thats the problem?
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08:24 | spectra has joined #ltsp | |
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08:32 | <jammcq> g'morning
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08:39 | <a5benwillis> morning
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08:47 | FernandoMM has joined #ltsp | |
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09:02 | Mighty-D has joined #ltsp | |
09:03 | <Mighty-D> Hi, im having some problems with LOCAL-DEV, i followed the troubleshooting with success in everything but the lsbus shell script, when i used it, i got an icon in my desktop but i wasn't able to see the contemps of /tmp...
| |
09:07 | <poro> Mighty-D: which document did you use. I have had some problems localdevs aswell
| |
09:08 | <Mighty-D> 4.2 ltsp , in the wiki
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09:10 | Gadi has joined #ltsp | |
09:16 | sbalneav has joined #ltsp | |
09:16 | <sbalneav> Morning all
| |
09:16 | <Mighty-D> 'morning
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09:16 | shogunx has quit IRC | |
09:18 | <poro> which options should I have in my lts.conf to enable usb-sticks
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09:19 | jammcq has joined #ltsp | |
09:19 | <jammcq> hello - again
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09:19 | <sbalneav> poro: LOCALDEV = Y
| |
09:20 | <Mighty-D> Hi, im having some problems with LOCAL-DEV, i followed the troubleshooting with success in everything but the lsbus shell script, when i used it, i got an icon in my desktop but i wasn't able to see the contemps of /tmp...
| |
09:22 | <sbalneav> Mighty-D: Could you email me the results of all the troubleshooting steps?
| |
09:22 | sbalneav@ltsp.org
| |
09:23 | <Mighty-D> sbalneav: the results?
| |
09:23 | <sbalneav> Yeah.
| |
09:23 | <Mighty-D> i didn't copy the reuslt
| |
09:23 | lol
| |
09:23 | <sbalneav> There's 12 steps to work through.
| |
09:23 | <Mighty-D> but, i can see fstab is fine (memory recognized and cd-rom...
| |
09:24 | | |
09:24 | <poro> sbalneav: that one I had already added. I died to things according this howto https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EnableLTSP5LocalDevices
| |
09:24 | /s/died/tried
| |
09:24 | <sbalneav> Oh, you're using edubuntu?
| |
09:25 | <Mighty-D> me?, im running slackware
| |
09:25 | <poro> sbalneav: edgy
| |
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09:25 | <sbalneav> Did you log out after you added the user to the fuse group? And did you re-start the terminal?
| |
09:26 | <poro> sbalneav: yes
| |
09:26 | <sbalneav> It should work then
| |
09:26 | What are you trying to do that doesn't work?
| |
09:26 | Mighty-D: Work through the 12 steps, then email me the results.
| |
09:26 | <Mighty-D> | |
09:26 | ok
| |
09:28 | foRza has quit IRC | |
09:28 | <poro> sbalneav: I checked that I exist in fuse group. What I was trying to do is to automount a usb-stick.
| |
09:29 | <sbalneav> ok, so what happens when you plug in the usb stick?
| |
09:29 | <poro> sbalneav: thinclients dmesg shows that it has recognized the stck
| |
09:29 | sbalneav: but nothing happens on server side
| |
09:30 | <sbalneav> On the server:
| |
09:30 | lsmod | grep fuse
| |
09:30 | <poro> sbalneav: fuse 43916 0
| |
09:30 | <sbalneav> k, fuse is loaded
| |
09:30 | dpkg -l | grep ltspfs
| |
09:31 | <poro> sbalneav: it is there
| |
09:31 | sbalneav: ii ltspfs 0.4.3-0ubuntu4 Fuse based remote filesystem for LTSP thin c
| |
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09:32 | <sbalneav> ok
| |
09:32 | as the user who you want the fuse stuff to work as:
| |
09:33 | id
| |
09:33 | and check and see if they've got the fuse group
| |
09:34 | Mine looks like this, for instance: oin$ id
| |
09:34 | uid=1111(sbalneav) gid=1000(hobasic) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),109(lpadmin),114(scanner),115(fuse),117(admin),701(win2003),1000(hobasic),3000(flo),9100(systems)
| |
09:35 | <poro> sbalneav: uid=1003(jkommeri) gid=1005(jkommeri) groups=4(adm),29(audio),46(plugdev),113(fuse),1005(jkommeri)
| |
09:35 | <sbalneav> looks ok
| |
09:36 | ls -la /dev/fuse
| |
09:36 | <poro> sbalneav: crw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 229 Feb 21 13:52 /dev/fuse
| |
09:36 | <sbalneav> ah HAH
| |
09:36 | hahaha
| |
09:36 | hehe
| |
09:36 | hoho
| |
09:36 | <poro> :)
| |
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09:37 | <poro> but that is by default
| |
09:37 | <sbalneav> something looks a little whacky there
| |
09:37 | should be 660 + root:fuse
| |
09:37 | hmmm
| |
09:38 | lets take a quick sneaky peek at your udev rules.
| |
09:38 | hold on, gimme a sec to figure out what file...
| |
09:38 | take a look in 45-fuse.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d
| |
09:38 | should look like this:
| |
09:38 | 45-fuse.rules:KERNEL=="fuse", GROUP="fuse"
| |
09:39 | <poro> sbalneav: KERNEL=="fuse", GROUP="fuse"
| |
09:39 | <sbalneav> ok, so lets do this:
| |
09:39 | as root:
| |
09:40 | rmmod fuse
| |
09:40 | <poro> sbalneav: done
| |
09:40 | <sbalneav> now /dev/fuse should be gone, yes?
| |
09:40 | <poro> sbalneav: yes
| |
09:40 | <sbalneav> perfect
| |
09:41 | invoke-rc.d udev reload
| |
09:41 | <ogra> uuuh
| |
09:41 | <poro> sbalneav: done
| |
09:41 | <sbalneav> ogra: He's installed fuse, I think it didn't pick up the new rule.
| |
09:41 | now: modprobe fuse
| |
09:41 | then ls -al /dev/fuse
| |
09:42 | <ogra> sbalneav, but i think there is a special command to restart udev more gracefully than by tearing it down :)
| |
09:42 | <FlyOnTheWall> does anybody know if vlc can use the esd in an lts environment?
| |
09:42 | <poro> sbalneav: crw-rw---- 1 root fuse 10, 229 Feb 22 16:39 /dev/fuse
| |
09:42 | <sbalneav> I did a reload, not a restart
| |
09:43 | that should get it to just re-read the rules, if I understand
| |
09:43 | <ogra> FlyOnTheWall, ogra@edubuntu:~$ apt-cache search vlc |grep esd
| |
09:43 | vlc-plugin-esd - Esound audio output plugin for VLC
| |
09:43 | <sbalneav> poro: \o/
| |
09:43 | <ogra> in ubuntu at least
| |
09:43 | <sbalneav> Now your localdevs should work.
| |
09:43 | rebooting the server would have worked too, but that's so... Microsoft :)
| |
09:43 | <FlyOnTheWall> ogra, that's just in, I've installed that
| |
09:44 | still doesn't work
| |
09:44 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> g'morning
| |
09:44 | <poro> sbalneav: also on next boot?
| |
09:44 | <sbalneav> yeah
| |
09:44 | <ogra> FlyOnTheWall, surel you have to ebalble it anywhere
| |
09:44 | *surely
| |
09:44 | *enable
| |
09:44 | <sbalneav> poro: it will be fine from now on.
| |
09:44 | * ogra rather stops typing ... | |
09:44 | <sbalneav> poro: it working now?
| |
09:45 | <FlyOnTheWall> ogra, well yes, in the preferences I am able to set the server to which it should connect, but if that is left empty it doesn't use it
| |
09:45 | ogra, the setup that seems to work on xmms is to have it use the esd plugin, but leave the "connect to remote server" unchecked
| |
09:45 | <ogra> right
| |
09:46 | <FlyOnTheWall> I don't see any such preferences on vlc
| |
09:46 | <ogra> because there is the ESOUND variable
| |
09:46 | <FlyOnTheWall> echo $ESOUND returns blank
| |
09:46 | <ogra> xms just picks it up
| |
09:46 | *xmms
| |
09:47 | <poro> sbalneav: actually, no :(
| |
09:47 | <ogra> FlyOnTheWall, err, sorry, ESPEAKER
| |
09:47 | <sbalneav> no?
| |
09:47 | hm, ok, well, more debugging then
| |
09:48 | <FlyOnTheWall> ogra, also returns blank
| |
09:48 | <ogra> FlyOnTheWall, which distro and which ltsp version is that ?
| |
09:48 | <FlyOnTheWall> ubuntu edgy eft
| |
09:48 | I do believe it's ltsp 5
| |
09:48 | <ogra> with the ubuntu ltsp
| |
09:48 | <FlyOnTheWall> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall
| |
09:48 | <ogra> and you set SOUND=True in your lts.conf ?
| |
09:49 | <FlyOnTheWall> yes, and xmms works
| |
09:49 | <ogra> hmm
| |
09:49 | <FlyOnTheWall> as does alsaplayer
| |
09:49 | and gnome sounds
| |
09:49 | <ogra> FlyOnTheWall, ask crimsun in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-devel
| |
09:49 | <FlyOnTheWall> ok
| |
09:49 | <ogra> he maintains a lot of that stuff ...
| |
09:49 | <FlyOnTheWall> will do
| |
09:49 | <ogra> especially vlc
| |
09:49 | <FlyOnTheWall> alright
| |
09:50 | <ogra> even though, ESPEAKER should be set ...
| |
09:50 | env|grep ESPEAKER
| |
09:50 | doesnt return anything either ?
| |
09:50 | <FlyOnTheWall> nope
| |
09:51 | <ogra> very weird, ldm should set that while starting esd
| |
09:51 | <jammcq> ogra: hey, I loaded up feisty yesterday.... very impressive
| |
09:51 | <ogra> jammcq, thanks :) still WIP though
| |
09:51 | <jammcq> yes, i had a problem with DNS
| |
09:52 | it would query my dns server, but not wait long enough for the reply
| |
09:52 | <ogra> i had way to less time this time .... i would so have loved to get the auth server stuff going
| |
09:52 | <jammcq> there's always +1 :)
| |
09:52 | <ogra> get a faster DNS ?
| |
09:52 | <jammcq> heh
| |
09:52 | <poro> sbalneav: to be able to use usb-sticks must the server have usb-support?
| |
09:52 | <ogra> poro, no
| |
09:52 | <poro> good
| |
09:52 | <ogra> only fuse ad ltspfs
| |
09:52 | *and
| |
09:53 | cliebow_ has joined #ltsp | |
09:53 | <FlyOnTheWall> ogra, I fiddled with pulseaudio earlier and I borked my ldm (apparently), fixed it just now
| |
09:53 | any recommendations on how I should run it?
| |
09:54 | <ogra> pulse ?
| |
09:54 | <FlyOnTheWall> nah
| |
09:54 | <ogra> well, there is no easy way in edgy ...
| |
09:54 | ah, ok
| |
09:54 | <FlyOnTheWall> I skipped pulse now
| |
09:54 | running esd
| |
09:55 | just need to run the ldm script now, so that it sets the environment variables
| |
09:56 | <Mighty-D> sbalneav: Ok, i just send the e.mail to you
| |
09:57 | <ogra> FlyOnTheWall, thats done inside of ldm ... you could chroot into the client chroot and run: apt-get install --reinstall ldm
| |
09:57 | that will switch it back to the original one
| |
09:57 | <FlyOnTheWall> ok
| |
10:00 | <cliebow_> anyone using netgear managed switch?fsm7326p
| |
10:00 | ?
| |
10:01 | <sbalneav> poro: sorry, got called away for a sec.
| |
10:01 | poro: ok, what does your lts.conf look like?
| |
10:02 | <FlyOnTheWall> ogra, reinstalling it doesn't seem to set the variable
| |
10:02 | <jammcq> ping
| |
10:02 | oops :)
| |
10:02 | <ogra> FlyOnTheWall, even if you log out and in again ?
| |
10:03 | <poro> sbalneav: i seem to have localdev=y twice does it matter?
| |
10:04 | <FlyOnTheWall> ogra, you sure there's no service that needs retstarting for it?
| |
10:04 | <ogra> well, you could quickly reboot the client to be sure
| |
10:04 | might be that the old ldm still sits in memory... its not teared down by the package (since you dont want to kick out users if you upgrade the chroot :) )
| |
10:05 | <sbalneav> Poro: Shoudn't
| |
10:05 | FernandoMM has quit IRC | |
10:05 | <FlyOnTheWall> hm..
| |
10:05 | ok
| |
10:05 | will try to reboot this client ->
| |
10:07 | FlyOnTheWall has quit IRC | |
10:09 | kaminski-ltsp-br has quit IRC | |
10:09 | <poro> sbalneav: I sent you my part of the lts.conf by email to avoid flooding
| |
10:10 | <sbalneav> Umm, actually, I just remembered we've got greylisting now, so it might take a bit to get through.
| |
10:10 | try sending to sbalneav@alburg.net
| |
10:10 | <poro> sbalneav: ok
| |
10:10 | <sbalneav> that's another account I have that DOESN'T have greylisting on it.
| |
10:10 | <cliebow_> Spammer..Spammer!
| |
10:11 | <sbalneav> :)
| |
10:11 | It's an external account I have at Hurricane Electric
| |
10:12 | <ogra> pastebo rules :P
| |
10:12 | *pastebot as well ...
| |
10:12 | <Mighty-D> sbalneav: did you get it
| |
10:13 | <sbalneav> Mighty-D: haven't seen it yet.
| |
10:13 | <Mighty-D> ok...
| |
10:13 | <sbalneav> You could also try sbalneav@alburg.net too, if you like.
| |
10:13 | <Mighty-D> ok... thanks
| |
10:15 | <sbalneav> poro: ok. Have you got a root password set in the ltsp chroot so you can log in on the thin client on alt-f1?
| |
10:15 | <ogra> sbalneav, is he using ltsp5 ? i thought i saw a discussion about bus before
| |
10:15 | *lbus
| |
10:15 | FlyOnTheWall has joined #ltsp | |
10:16 | <sbalneav> yeah, he's using ltsp5
| |
10:16 | at least, i've been ASSUMING he has
| |
10:16 | <ogra> well, what about asking him :P
| |
10:16 | <sbalneav> maybe that's a bad assumption.
| |
10:16 | <ogra> poro, what are you using ?
| |
10:16 | distro/ltsp version
| |
10:16 | <sbalneav> poro: Are you using edubuntus ltsp?
| |
10:17 | I know he's using edubuntu, so I just assumed it was ltsp5
| |
10:17 | sepski has joined #ltsp | |
10:17 | <FlyOnTheWall> ogra, rebooted the client, nothing, rebooted the server (no one is using it anymore today) but still no enviroment variables set
| |
10:17 | <a5benwillis> AHAH
| |
10:18 | I now know who ogra is :-)
| |
10:18 | <poro> sbalneav: yes, I have root passwd to thinclient
| |
10:18 | <a5benwillis> Sorry Ogra, I had to do a little reading lol
| |
10:18 | <poro> sbalneav: I am using basic edgy
| |
10:19 | <sbalneav> how did you install ltsp? did you install ltsp-server-standalone, and do an ltsp-build-client?
| |
10:19 | <poro> sbalneav: debootstrapped base system and installed the ltsp-server-standalone
| |
10:19 | <ogra> a5benwillis, :)
| |
10:19 | <sbalneav> good. So I assumed correctly.
| |
10:20 | <ogra> no
| |
10:20 | thats wrong
| |
10:20 | <poro> sbalneav: and I did run the ltsp-build-client
| |
10:20 | <ogra> you used debootstrap stadalone ?
| |
10:20 | oh, on the server ... ok
| |
10:20 | <sbalneav> poro: log in locally, lets see if ltspfs is running.
| |
10:20 | err, ltspfsd
| |
10:22 | <poro> sbalneav: yes, /usr/bin/ltspfsd -a
| |
10:22 | <ogra> https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EnableLTSP5LocalDevices
| |
10:22 | please see that page
| |
10:22 | <poro> ogra: I did try according to that page
| |
10:23 | <ogra> sorry, we have to leave the room ... see you guys tomorrow (unless i manage to get network in the hotel)
| |
10:23 | <sbalneav> he's looked at that one, ogra. we bumped into the permissions problem with /dev/fuse, so I thought that may be it, but it still doesn't seem to be twigging.
| |
10:23 | ogra: on a trip?
| |
10:23 | <ogra> sbalneav, in italy ... EU edulinux conference
| |
10:23 | <sbalneav> Excellent!
| |
10:23 | <ogra> we lead development for them on top of edubuntu ...
| |
10:24 | <sbalneav> ogra++
| |
10:24 | <ogra> tons of teachers here ... all with horrible development ideas indeed :)
| |
10:24 | <sbalneav> poro: do you have anything in the fstab?
| |
10:24 | for the usb stick, I mean?
| |
10:25 | <poro> no
| |
10:27 | FlyOnTheWall has quit IRC | |
10:28 | <poro> sbalneav: should I?
| |
10:28 | <sbalneav> hmm
| |
10:28 | That means the udev isn't firing
| |
10:30 | on the thin client, have you got a /etc/udev/rules.d/88-ltsp rules file?
| |
10:31 | <poro> sbalneav: yes
| |
10:32 | sbalneav: I don't know if it matters but this server is running as a virtual machine on xen
| |
10:32 | <sbalneav> ah
| |
10:32 | <poro> sbalneav: that could have an affect on ltsp-build-client?
| |
10:33 | <sbalneav> yeah, it could
| |
10:34 | what, I don't know, as I've never used xen.
| |
10:34 | on my list of "things to do" one of these days :)
| |
10:34 | <poro> sbalneav: ok :)
| |
10:34 | <sbalneav> do you have a "real" box you could try it on?
| |
10:35 | <poro> sbalneav: you mean the server?
| |
10:35 | <sbalneav> yeah
| |
10:35 | <poro> sbalneav: I could
| |
10:35 | <sbalneav> I'm wondering if fuse doesn't like working under xen.
| |
10:37 | ogra has quit IRC | |
10:38 | <poro> poro: what kind of environment information does the ltsp-build-client gather before it starts
| |
10:39 | whoops
| |
10:39 | was not meant for me :)
| |
10:42 | sbalneav: thanks for the help. This seems to far too big a problem for me solve so I will let others handle it :)
| |
10:42 | <Nik0> poro: is your fusermount woking?
| |
10:43 | working
| |
10:43 | <sbalneav> poro: one thing you could try
| |
10:43 | just as a test:
| |
10:43 | you could do a:
| |
10:43 | mkdir somedir; ltspfs somedir
| |
10:43 | sub in the ip address of your client.
| |
10:44 | that would confirm if it's the fuse that's causing the problem.
| |
10:45 | bricode has joined #ltsp | |
10:46 | <poro> ltspfs on /home/jkommeri/tmp/somedir type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=jkommeri)
| |
10:46 | mathesis has joined #ltsp | |
10:47 | <mathesis> sh3mh4mf0r4sh: hi
| |
10:47 | <a5benwillis> Did ogra leave?
| |
10:47 | <poro> sbalneav: so that did not give any errors
| |
10:47 | <sbalneav> a5benwillis: yeah, I think so.
| |
10:47 | poro: is something mounted?
| |
10:47 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> hi
| |
10:47 | mathesis:
| |
10:47 | <a5benwillis> I didnt see the msg, oh well
| |
10:48 | <poro> sbalneav: according to mount but I see no files
| |
10:48 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> have a big question about firefox envolved with LTSP
| |
10:48 | :|
| |
10:48 | <sbalneav> poro: ok, so it's fuse that doesn't like xen.
| |
10:48 | <jammcq> sbalneav: ping, check your msg
| |
10:49 | <sbalneav> pong replied.
| |
10:49 | <mathesis> my thins clients stop in Me:, DHCP:, TFTP:, Gateway Loadinf _ \
| |
10:49 | <sbalneav> sh3mh4mf0r4sh: what's the question?
| |
10:49 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> let c. is longer to explain
| |
10:49 | <poro> sbalneav: thanks, I got to go
| |
10:49 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i have ltsp running very fine
| |
10:50 | i installed firefox to can run my client to brosw
| |
10:50 | ok
| |
10:50 | <mathesis> its clients can't loadinf kernel
| |
10:50 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> BUT they can;t change the preference
| |
10:50 | <sbalneav> poro: ok, sorry I couldn't help more.
| |
10:50 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> so i unable shell for client and make unwrite the prefs.js
| |
10:50 | but an addon to blocksite
| |
10:51 | need kow what file is to can restricted to can;t change my block site list
| |
10:51 | <sbalneav> sh3mh4mf0r4sh: You installed firefox in the client's chroot, or on the server as normal?
| |
10:51 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> server normal
| |
10:51 | freemind has joined #ltsp | |
10:52 | <mathesis> /usr/sbin/tcpd: exit status 0x4c00
| |
10:52 | its problem with tcpd
| |
10:52 | <sbalneav> so, this really isn't an ltsp question, rather, it's a firefox question?
| |
10:52 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> exactly
| |
10:52 | just was to explain somethign with ltsp
| |
10:52 | i have other problem with firefox
| |
10:52 | when i loggin 2 users
| |
10:53 | with ltsp
| |
10:53 | i run 1 firefox
| |
10:53 | and when same user in other client try tu run
| |
10:53 | firfox said.
| |
10:53 | other process is running
| |
10:53 | how can i do to separate if are 2 clientes different but are same user
| |
10:53 | <sbalneav> are you logging in as the same user?
| |
10:53 | you can't
| |
10:54 | period.
| |
10:54 | <mathesis> sh3mh4mf0r4sh: logueas los usuarios con el mismo cuenta
| |
10:54 | Faithful1 has quit IRC | |
10:54 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> si
| |
10:54 | pero ya vi que da problema
| |
10:54 | <sbalneav> You must have separate userids.
| |
10:54 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> yes i see that
| |
10:54 | <mathesis> tienes que crear diferentes cuentas
| |
10:55 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> i thinkg to same user globally for all navigation room
| |
10:55 | so have to make adduser PC1 PC2 PC3
| |
10:55 | PC(N)
| |
10:55 | and restric by user
| |
10:55 | -> PC(N)
| |
10:55 | <mathesis> cliente01....cliente(n)
| |
10:55 | <Mighty-D> sbalneav: have you check it?
| |
10:56 | <mathesis> received address was not AF_INET, please check your inetd config
| |
10:57 | i help me with my problem
| |
10:57 | <sbalneav> Mighty-D: I haven't seen it at either sbalneav@ltsp.org, or sbalneav@alburg.net
| |
10:57 | <Mighty-D> can i paste it 4 u using the web?
| |
10:58 | <sbalneav> sure, pastebin.ca
| |
10:59 | <Mighty-D> ok... wait
| |
11:00 | sbalneav : http://pastebin.ca/367832
| |
11:01 | _rodrigo_ has joined #ltsp | |
11:02 | <sbalneav> Mighty-D: Doesn't look like your lbus us running.
| |
11:02 | All you're seeing is the grep line.
| |
11:03 | What kind of server are you running this on/
| |
11:03 | ?
| |
11:05 | <mathesis> mount clntudp_create: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Unable to receive
| |
11:05 | <Mighty-D> sbalneav: kind of server?
| |
11:06 | <sbalneav> What distribution of linux? 32 bit/64 bit, etc.
| |
11:06 | <Mighty-D> sbalneav: slackware 11 , 32 bits , 2.6.17-smp
| |
11:07 | how do i start lbus ?
| |
11:07 | Nik0_ has joined #ltsp | |
11:07 | <sbalneav> How did you get fuse on there? Compile it yourself?
| |
11:07 | Nik0 has quit IRC | |
11:07 | <Mighty-D> no, precompiled pckg
| |
11:07 | from linuxpackages
| |
11:07 | <sbalneav> ls -la /dev/fuse ; ls -al `which fusermount`
| |
11:08 | <Mighty-D> crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 10, 229 2007-02-22 10:50 /dev/fuse
| |
11:09 | i dont understand the second ls -la 'which fusermount'
| |
11:10 | <jammcq> Mighty-D: use back-ticks ``` NOT single quotes '''
| |
11:10 | <sbalneav> ls -la /path/to/your/fusermount then.
| |
11:10 | I don't know where slackware puts fusermount (i.e. /usr/bin, /bin, etc)
| |
11:10 | <Mighty-D> ohhh
| |
11:11 | <jammcq> you could also do: ls -la $(which fusermount)
| |
11:11 | <Mighty-D> fusermount: /usr/bin/fusermount
| |
11:11 | <sbalneav> ok, and what are the permissions?
| |
11:11 | <Mighty-D> -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 26941 2007-02-05 10:33 /usr/bin/fusermount
| |
11:11 | <sbalneav> that looks ok.
| |
11:11 | ps -ef | grep lbus
| |
11:12 | <sh3mh4mf0r4sh> jeje i fix the problem of blocksite
| |
11:12 | xD
| |
11:12 | thanxs anyway
| |
11:12 | <Mighty-D> from the or anywhere on the server?
| |
11:12 | <sbalneav> on the server
| |
11:12 | <Mighty-D> root 10187 3603 0 12:08 pts/1 00:00:00 grep lbus
| |
11:12 | <sbalneav> nothing else?
| |
11:12 | <Mighty-D> you are right, it doesn't seems to be running
| |
11:12 | <sbalneav> you need to get that fixed.
| |
11:13 | <Mighty-D> how do i start it?
| |
11:13 | <sbalneav> it needs to start as part of your xession.
| |
11:13 | how you do that on slackware I don't know.
| |
11:13 | <Mighty-D> mmm
| |
11:14 | <sbalneav> on Debian or Redhat based distros, you can drop a file into /etc/X11/Xsession.d, and it will get run as part of your xsession.
| |
11:14 | that file should be part of the tarball.
| |
11:14 | where you graft that in in Slackware, I don't knw.
| |
11:14 | s/knw/know/
| |
11:14 | <Mighty-D> mc
| |
11:14 | mathesis has quit IRC | |
11:15 | <Mighty-D> can i run this as a part of kdm not the xsession?
| |
11:16 | <sbalneav> Doesn't matter how it gets started, just so long as it gets started :)
| |
11:18 | <Mighty-D> i think kdm is bypassing xinitrc, where do i look for kdm config files?
| |
11:21 | _rodrigo_ has quit IRC | |
11:21 | _rodrigo_ has joined #ltsp | |
11:21 | <dan__t> 'morning.
| |
11:23 | <Mighty-D> sbalneav: should i put it before or after startx ?
| |
11:24 | <sbalneav> it should come after
| |
11:25 | <Mighty-D> ok , let me see
| |
11:25 | can i run this on startkde ?
| |
11:26 | <sbalneav> Dunno, I don't run kde, but I can't see why not.
| |
11:26 | <Mighty-D> i have to go for an hour, i'll keep trying if you are here when i come back it would be nice if you can help me...
| |
11:27 | thanks a lot , this is some light in the dark finding things that have to be fixed
| |
11:27 | :)
| |
11:27 | <sbalneav> :)
| |
11:31 | efra has joined #ltsp | |
11:51 | bricode_ has joined #ltsp | |
11:59 | freemind has quit IRC | |
12:04 | MoL0ToV has quit IRC | |
12:08 | bricode has quit IRC | |
12:18 | FernandoMM has joined #ltsp | |
12:20 | bricode_ has quit IRC | |
12:20 | bricode has joined #ltsp | |
12:33 | <Mighty-D> ok, im back
| |
12:33 | sbalneav: r u there?
| |
12:36 | Avatara has quit IRC | |
12:41 | putty_thing has quit IRC | |
12:42 | tiagovaz has joined #ltsp | |
12:48 | shogunx has quit IRC | |
12:59 | <sbalneav> Mighty-D: Yep, just back from Lunch
| |
12:59 | <Mighty-D> me 2
| |
13:00 | shogunx has joined #ltsp | |
13:01 | <Mighty-D> ok, it as you said, the problem is lbus-start.sh isnt running so i have no bus, i had to run it myself from a xterm and it worked, is there any way i can run this script different from xinitrc (somehow kdm seems to bypass xinitrc)
| |
13:02 | i was thinking an autostart *.desktop in /opt/kde/share/autostart
| |
13:02 | what do you think?
| |
13:04 | Stevecar has joined #ltsp | |
13:05 | FernandoMM has quit IRC | |
13:06 | <cliebow_> Mighty-D:doesnt it read Xsession.
| |
13:06 | <Mighty-D> yes cliebow just tried that and it seems to work, wait i'll make a test
| |
13:06 | <cliebow_> i use kdm..and it reads Xsession oin Redhat..so i add stuff in like check for disabled account..start nautilus
| |
13:07 | on top of icewm'
| |
13:07 | <Mighty-D> YEAH!!!
| |
13:07 | <cliebow_> Coolio!
| |
13:07 | <Mighty-D> THANKS A LOT GUYS, THIS LOCAL-DEV was making me crazy !!
| |
13:07 | all that trouble...
| |
13:07 | <cliebow_> that is in Slack right?
| |
13:07 | <Mighty-D> :P
| |
13:07 | yes
| |
13:07 | using kdm of course
| |
13:08 | <cliebow_> post it on the wiki..for othjers..in slack section 8~)
| |
13:08 | <Mighty-D> how do i do that?
| |
13:08 | <cliebow_> err.set up an account for yourself..
| |
13:08 | lemme look
| |
13:08 | <Mighty-D> and, would you remind me where do i change the icon for the desktop ?
| |
13:09 | <cliebow_> use registration to set up an =account..then edit away
| |
13:10 | Mighty-D:no savvy
| |
13:10 | pscheie_ has joined #ltsp | |
13:10 | pscheie_ has left #ltsp | |
13:11 | <Mighty-D> mmm , i dont have an account... i should open it on the wiki?
| |
13:11 | <cliebow_> it would be great..i use it all the time to reference my own stuff.that i fogot how i did
| |
13:12 | there is a registration button on the left
| |
13:15 | Patina_ has quit IRC | |
13:16 | <Mighty-D> yes, i saw it, the icon can be changed in /etc/ltsp-localdev or something like that
| |
13:21 | mathesis has joined #ltsp | |
13:24 | <Mighty-D> cliebow... would you check my spelling (im not natural in english.. so )
| |
13:24 | <bricode> Anyone have any experience PXE booting dos?
| |
13:24 | <cliebow_> Sure!
| |
13:24 | <bricode> cliebow: Does it work/
| |
13:24 | ?
| |
13:25 | <cliebow_> bricode:sorry wrong question..never tried pxe boot dos
| |
13:25 | <bricode> Oh. Okay.
| |
13:25 | <cliebow_> Mighty-D: did you log out..or save yet?
| |
13:26 | <Mighty-D> yes i did
| |
13:26 | http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/LTSP-42-LocalDev
| |
13:26 | <cliebow_> ill try again..you were working in slackware section
| |
13:26 | ?
| |
13:27 | ahh
| |
13:27 | <Mighty-D> its ok ?
| |
13:27 | Enabling autostart of lbussd on the server with (Open)SuSE 10.0 and Slackware Linux 10.x
| |
13:27 | that section
| |
13:28 | <cliebow_> still getting there..nosebleed..one Handed
| |
13:28 | <Mighty-D> lol
| |
13:29 | <cliebow_> looks good..ill add one period and one cap
| |
13:30 | <Mighty-D> thanks cliebow.. im happy with this install, its looking so cute :P
| |
13:33 | <cliebow_> Very Good...Ive only used slack as a firewall/router so im not mmuch good with it
| |
13:36 | <Mighty-D> i love slack, you can do whatever you want with it, but the main reason is performance ;)
| |
13:40 | lns is now known as lns_afk | |
13:45 | <cliebow_> Mighty-D, Heh mine has been running uniterrupted for a year on 80 meg ram..unattended
| |
13:45 | Mighty-D, speaking of which..if i want to eliminate gui..on that 80 meg ram machine..best way?
| |
13:47 | <Mighty-D> eliminate gui ?, what do you mean?... the x-serv ?
| |
13:47 | <cliebow_> yeah'
| |
13:48 | <Mighty-D> what r u running
| |
13:48 | ?
| |
13:48 | <cliebow_> slack 10 on a compaq 4131t..80 meg ram p 133
| |
13:48 | <Mighty-D> just change the init number... to 3
| |
13:48 | :P
| |
13:48 | edit inittab
| |
13:49 | <cliebow_> .hhm..that was a stupid question..
| |
13:49 | <Mighty-D> lol
| |
13:49 | Patina has joined #ltsp | |
13:49 | <cliebow_> somehow oi thought it was 2..but maybe im thinking ubuntu
| |
13:49 | <Mighty-D> i dont remember what levels are in ubuntu...
| |
13:50 | <cliebow_> speaking of init..i spent three days in edgy..altering inittab trying to get mgetty working like it did in dapper
| |
13:50 | before it dawned on me that edgy uses upstart 8~)
| |
13:50 | and ignores inittab
| |
13:50 | <Mighty-D> lol
| |
13:51 | i haven't used upstart...
| |
13:51 | <cliebow_> i like it....now
| |
13:52 | <Mighty-D> but i got in a similar situation with udev and hotplug 8-S
| |
13:52 | <cliebow_> so scripts placed in /etc/event.d get run like an inittab
| |
13:53 | <Mighty-D> slack doesnt use rc.0, just a simple rc.d
| |
13:54 | other thing why i love it
| |
13:54 | i mean rc.## files...
| |
13:54 | rc.## folders
| |
13:54 | <cliebow_> ive played with that a little
| |
13:54 | <Mighty-D> :)
| |
13:56 | <cliebow_> i have an antenna on the roof..and bring wireless in to the laptop ..from ..somewhere..run a little firewall script..and route out to feed my house
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13:56 | gaf has joined #ltsp | |
13:57 | gaf is now known as gonzaloaf | |
13:58 | <Mighty-D> nice hack
| |
14:02 | i use slack to act as a windows domain controler (we still need some apps running), to give LTSP support to thin clients, to act as a intranet web server, as a groupware server, and we are writing and writing code to make some internal control for some ip cammeras and microcontrolers applications running some doors...
| |
14:02 | :D
| |
14:03 | <cliebow_> very cool...samba domainn?
| |
14:03 | we use ldap..
| |
14:03 | <Mighty-D> yes
| |
14:03 | <cliebow_> smbldap really
| |
14:04 | <Mighty-D> we dont use it, we have too few computers so no need, but it would be nice to set that up
| |
14:04 | <cliebow_> and have a registry hack to tweak roaming profiles
| |
14:04 | so only desktop and My Docs are roamed
| |
14:04 | <Mighty-D> (too few computers running windows... :P)
| |
14:05 | <cliebow_> that is a good thing
| |
14:05 | <Mighty-D> we also have that registry hack, but we do it as a *.cmd script
| |
14:05 | <cliebow_> sure..same idea
| |
14:06 | <Mighty-D> we had some troubles with *.cmd scripts with machines running windows 98, but now that is gonnne (windows 98 machines are thin clients now ;) )
| |
14:06 | <cliebow_> i had to backtracj to support lexia learning..in my six perimeter schools
| |
14:07 | they "promised" a linux version..or a web version..but haint seen anything yet
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14:39 | <a5benwillis> Hiya Gadi
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14:56 | AbuSami has joined #LTSP | |
14:57 | <AbuSami> hi al
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14:57 | I have a problem ...
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15:00 | michel has joined #ltsp | |
15:00 | <sbalneav> What's your problem? If you don't ask it, we can't solve it/
| |
15:00 | .
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15:01 | <AbuSami> thanks.
| |
15:01 | but I just neeed a Reply
| |
15:01 | okay
| |
15:01 | I did you heared about MILEE-Xterm
| |
15:01 | <sbalneav> I've heard about it, yes.
| |
15:02 | michel has quit IRC | |
15:02 | <AbuSami> can we talk about it for a moment
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15:03 | michel_ has joined #ltsp | |
15:04 | <sbalneav> ...
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15:04 | g333k_work has quit IRC | |
15:04 | <sbalneav> yes, what's your question about it?
| |
15:04 | <AbuSami> sorry..
| |
15:05 | I found it by trying to look up for a clustered LTSP
| |
15:05 | so how they are doing this ...
| |
15:05 | I need how they are connecting the LTSP server to an application server that is already clustered
| |
15:07 | <sbalneav> Well, I'd expect you'd find that information at the mille-xterm home page.
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15:07 | _rodrigo_ has quit IRC | |
15:10 | michel_ has joined #ltsp | |
15:10 | <AbuSami> I did
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15:10 | <AbuSami> but its not enough
| |
15:10 | <a5benwillis> anybody want to help me convince the guys at OpenSSH to rewrite their module a tad ??? :-)
| |
15:10 | <sbalneav> Have you joined their mailing list, and asked them on the mailing list? Looks like they have one.
| |
15:11 | What's the problem with openssh?
| |
15:12 | <a5benwillis> an incompatibility with the pam_ncp_auth.so module. SSH looks for a local account and fails the authentication before handing off to the pam module.
| |
15:12 | .
| |
15:12 | link: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openssh-unix-dev&w=2&r=1&s=ncp&q=b
| |
15:13 | Its an old thread, but according to it they didnt want to change anything to support this authentication.
| |
15:14 | As you all know, Netware is still used by education and we need to be able to use NCP authentication in order to use Edubuntu LTSP
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15:14 | * efra is away: I'm out to lunch | Sali a comer | |
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15:14 | efra is now known as efra_away | |
15:14 | <lns> a5benwillis, ahh, netware. I miss it so much
| |
15:14 | <sbalneav> They shouldn't. They're correct. there should be an nss module to look up the info.
| |
15:15 | <lns> I still don't know how M$ muscled in with NT4
| |
15:15 | <sbalneav> So, what someone needs to do is write an lib_nss module so that pam can get the right information out of netware.
| |
15:15 | <a5benwillis> you may be able to lookup info via nss, but, you'de have to include all of the unix attributres in NDS for it to work.
| |
15:15 | the big problem is this.
| |
15:16 | .
| |
15:16 | <sbalneav> Or, barring that, you'd need some kind of daily batch import to march through the nds, and create dummy entries in /etc/passwd.
| |
15:16 | <a5benwillis> With LTSP, the users dont already exist on the server. The NCP module can create the users 'on the fly' while authenticating.
| |
15:16 | <sbalneav> OR, simply produce a locally patched copy of ssh.
| |
15:16 | g333k_work has joined #ltsp | |
15:16 | <a5benwillis> i like the last option
| |
15:17 | <jammcq> linux and Novell integration has been around for a long time
| |
15:17 | <a5benwillis> but I dont know how to do that :-(
| |
15:17 | <jammcq> linux can authenticate against NDS, no problem
| |
15:17 | <a5benwillis> ltsp and netware seems to have worked well before LDM came into the picture
| |
15:18 | jammcq: true, I have gms authenticating the console logins just fine
| |
15:18 | <jammcq> LDM is based on SSH, so you just need to configure SSH to behave with NDS
| |
15:18 | <sbalneav> So, don't use ldm. You can easily still use gdm.
| |
15:18 | <jammcq> yeah, use GDM instead
| |
15:18 | <a5benwillis> with edubuntu?
| |
15:18 | <sbalneav> Sure.
| |
15:18 | <jammcq> sure
| |
15:18 | <sbalneav> You just won't get local devices.
| |
15:18 | <jammcq> although I wouldn't think that LDM would be that hard
| |
15:18 | <a5benwillis> and how-tos out there?
| |
15:18 | <sbalneav> Other than that, it will work fine.
| |
15:18 | Sure.
| |
15:18 | <jammcq> your problem isn't LDM, it's SSH and NDS
| |
15:18 | <sbalneav> SCREEN_07=startx
| |
15:19 | <a5benwillis> so gdm wouldnt use ssh sessions?
| |
15:19 | <sbalneav> and enable remote XDMCP in gdm (it's disabled by default)
| |
15:19 | no, you'd be using XDMCP sessions then.
| |
15:19 | <a5benwillis> ok. and this will still work with the PXE thin clients?
| |
15:19 | <jammcq> sure
| |
15:20 | pxe is a method of booting the workstation
| |
15:20 | <a5benwillis> sorry, just trying to make sure that I understand this
| |
15:20 | <jammcq> it has NOTHING to do with logging in
| |
15:20 | <a5benwillis> right
| |
15:20 | and the xdmcp session would use the servers gdm configuration for authentication then right
| |
15:21 | <jammcq> you betcha
| |
15:21 | <a5benwillis> it sounds like there would be issues with sound on the thin clients
| |
15:21 | usb thumb drives etc...
| |
15:21 | <sbalneav> No, the sound will work fine.
| |
15:21 | But you'll lose local devices
| |
15:22 | <a5benwillis> define local devices
| |
15:22 | <sbalneav> thumb drives
| |
15:22 | local cd's
| |
15:22 | etc.
| |
15:22 | <a5benwillis> ok
| |
15:22 | <jammcq> sbalneav: but don't you have all that working at your shop ?
| |
15:23 | <sbalneav> I'm using the ssh for now, until I finish integrating the two.
| |
15:23 | <jammcq> ah
| |
15:23 | so it's not like he's stuck forever with no LDA
| |
15:23 | <a5benwillis> id'e love to hack ssh to work though :)
| |
15:24 | I wonder if I could get orga and the edubuntu guys to look into it
| |
15:24 | michel_ has joined #ltsp | |
15:24 | <sbalneav> Right. I'm still going to integrate them. I'm actually hoping to finish that off with you in Tarranna
| |
15:24 | <a5benwillis> oh, so youre already working on this issue?
| |
15:24 | <sbalneav> a5benwillis: or, just write a quick bit of something to create local /etc/passwd entries from NDS data.
| |
15:25 | that will, by far, be easiest.
| |
15:25 | Stevecar has left #ltsp | |
15:25 | <a5benwillis> that would work for now I suppose
| |
15:25 | we're talking 2000 users per context though
| |
15:29 | <AbuSami> sorry...
| |
15:29 | michel_ has quit IRC | |
15:29 | <AbuSami> sbalneav,
| |
15:29 | how can I see the X of any client
| |
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15:29 | <AbuSami> for example,
| |
15:30 | an instructor needs to see what students working on clients
| |
15:31 | <sbalneav> I beleive student control panel does this.
| |
15:31 | <AbuSami> how ...
| |
15:31 | please ?
| |
15:31 | <sbalneav> It uses vnc I beleive.
| |
15:31 | <AbuSami> the client's X don't have an IP
| |
15:31 | right ?
| |
15:31 | <sbalneav> All the clients have an IP address.
| |
15:31 | <AbuSami> sure
| |
15:32 | but if I VNC the IP of any one
| |
15:32 | I don't see X
| |
15:32 | mathesis has joined #ltsp | |
15:32 | <AbuSami> did you test it ?
| |
15:33 | <sbalneav> Well, I beleive it has to be enabled somehow. And no, I don't ever use that feature.
| |
15:33 | <AbuSami> what do you think we have to look for ?
| |
15:35 | <sbalneav> What distibution are you using? Is it the mille-xterm?
| |
15:36 | <AbuSami> debian, etch debian
| |
15:36 | no no
| |
15:37 | <sbalneav> OK, well, what version of LTSP are you running?
| |
15:37 | <AbuSami> 4.2
| |
15:38 | <sbalneav> jammcq: I don't think we had vnc support in 4.2 did we?
| |
15:39 | <lns> OT: Is anyone an IT professional supporting clients with LTSP installations under a support contract?
| |
15:39 | <AbuSami> hmm
| |
15:39 | <sbalneav> I don't think we did.
| |
15:40 | But I could be wrong.
| |
15:40 | <AbuSami> sbalneaw : then what ?
| |
15:40 | <jammcq> talk to cliebow he knows all about that vnc stuff
| |
15:42 | <sbalneav> Ah, good point.
| |
15:42 | AbuSami: cliebow's the fellow you want.
| |
15:43 | <AbuSami> thanks sbalneav
| |
15:44 | is he responding ?
| |
15:44 | cliebow ?
| |
15:47 | by the way,,,
| |
15:48 | I need ideas to develop using the LTSP. is there
| |
15:49 | we are at Birzeit University working hard to spread the LTSP in our schools
| |
15:49 | so just need ideas about making the matter easy
| |
15:49 | is there ?
| |
15:50 | <lns> AbuSami, develop as in software dev/programming?
| |
15:50 | <AbuSami> not so far
| |
15:50 | I need developing the using of LTSP
| |
15:51 | michel_ has quit IRC | |
15:51 | <lns> can you explain in a different way? I don't understand
| |
15:51 | <AbuSami> I'm one of those how are trying replace the schools labs into an LTSP lab
| |
15:51 | michel_ has joined #ltsp | |
15:52 | <AbuSami> okay., so some applications should be run using wine
| |
15:52 | and this not good :0
| |
15:52 | i'm trying to spread the project over.
| |
15:55 | <a5benwillis> AbuSami: Im attempting to do the same thing
| |
15:55 | I have nearly 6000 lab computers :-)
| |
15:55 | <AbuSami> goood...
| |
15:55 | waw
| |
15:55 | do they working as thin client
| |
15:55 | <a5benwillis> not presently
| |
15:56 | Im still in pilot phase with ltsp and have ran ito a few stumbling blocks
| |
15:56 | I cant get ltsp to authenticate my users via Netware NDS..
| |
15:56 | efra_away is now known as efra | |
15:57 | * efra is back (gone 00:42:36) | |
15:57 | <a5benwillis> At least not the edubuntu release
| |
15:57 | <AbuSami> hmmmm
| |
15:57 | how you manage this number man
| |
15:57 | !!!
| |
15:57 | <ltspbot> AbuSami: Error: "!!" is not a valid command.
| |
15:59 | <a5benwillis> we have a whole IT department of course
| |
15:59 | sbalneav: Are you still around?
| |
15:59 | <AbuSami> sure, but you need a database thats holds the lts.conf
| |
15:59 | <a5benwillis> how does this look for GDM?
| |
15:59 | .
| |
15:59 | <lns> AbuSami, sorry - reading
| |
15:59 | <a5benwillis> chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 /bin/bash --login
| |
15:59 | apt-get update
| |
15:59 | apt-get install gdm
| |
15:59 | chown root /var/lib/gdm
| |
15:59 | chmod 1770 /var/lib/gdm
| |
15:59 | vi /etc/default/ltsp-client-setup
| |
15:59 | <sbalneav> No
| |
15:59 | <a5benwillis> add to the end;
| |
15:59 | rw_dirs="$rw_dirs /var/lib/gdm /var/run/network"
| |
15:59 | copy_dirs="$copy_dirs /home"
| |
15:59 | vi /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.co
| |
15:59 | <jammcq> NO
| |
15:59 | <sbalneav> no no
| |
16:00 | <a5benwillis> oh well LOL
| |
16:00 | <sbalneav> no no no
| |
16:00 | <jammcq> GDM is installed on the SERVER
| |
16:00 | <a5benwillis> lookin for how to's
| |
16:00 | <jammcq> for the server to serve up remote sessions
| |
16:00 | it's already there
| |
16:00 | <sbalneav> yeah, just enable it.
| |
16:00 | doofy2 has joined #ltsp | |
16:01 | <jammcq> on the server, go to 'System->Administration->LoginWindow'
| |
16:01 | and enable remote xdmcp
| |
16:01 | <AbuSami> cliebow , can I ask something ?
| |
16:01 | <a5benwillis> there has to be more to it though.
| |
16:02 | <jammcq> a5benwillis: yes, in lts.conf, set SCREEN_07 = startx
| |
16:02 | <doofy2> to be honest i don't know a better place to ask this. But say I want to set up a thin client network in my house. I would probably run Ubuntu on the server, I would like some of the clients to be linux, but my dad and some other family members would like windows. Would I just run some virtualization? How would i go about doing this?
| |
16:03 | <a5benwillis> jammcq: Oh ok. I found this:
| |
16:03 | .
| |
16:03 | #
| |
16:03 | startx: This option can be used for lower powered installations that can't support the encryption that the ssh tunnel provides. Enabling this will require you to turn on XDMCP for the gdm login manager. As an administrative user, go to System->Administration->Login Window, and in the "Remote" tab, change the drop down to "Same as local". Additionally, you may wish to click on the "Configure XDMCP" button on the lower corner, an
| |
16:03 | d increase the "Maximum remote sessions" to something a little higher than the number of thin clients you have. Please note that doing this means that all X Windows traffic on your network will be unencrypted.
| |
16:03 | As well, in this mode, local device access or local sound will not work. This will be fixed in a future version of Edubuntu.
| |
16:03 | .
| |
16:03 | <mistik1> I've been reading a5benwillis's problem and was wondering if LDAP authentication from the thin-client needs to be implemented again
| |
16:03 | <jammcq> a5benwillis: PLEASE don't post large things to the channel
| |
16:03 | <a5benwillis> It sounds like what youre saying
| |
16:03 | jammcq: Sorry. I thought about it after I hit paste..
| |
16:04 | <jammcq> mistik1: yeah, network auth is coming
| |
16:04 | soon, we hope
| |
16:04 | <a5benwillis> I don't think ti will help my sitiation though, will it?
| |
16:05 | situation
| |
16:05 | <mistik1> How hard would it be with the current ubuntu LTSP implementation?
| |
16:05 | <a5benwillis> My problem lies with SSH
| |
16:05 | michel_ has quit IRC | |
16:05 | <jammcq> I think initial implementations of network auth will be using LDAP, not NDS
| |
16:05 | Mighty-D has joined #ltsp | |
16:05 | <mistik1> Wait a sec
| |
16:05 | <Mighty-D> help, does anyone here works with openoffice in native languages?
| |
16:06 | <mistik1> But you can use LDAP to auth against NDS
| |
16:06 | <Mighty-D> it seems only root can change it, so none of my thin clients works
| |
16:06 | <jammcq> well, there ya go
| |
16:06 | <mistik1> LDAP client tools
| |
16:06 | <jammcq> can't ssh be configured to use PAM authentication?
| |
16:06 | <mistik1> yes
| |
16:06 | <jammcq> then I don't see what the problem is
| |
16:06 | <mistik1> nor do I
| |
16:06 | <jammcq> configure sshd on the server, to auth against the NDS
| |
16:06 | badda-boom
| |
16:06 | <mistik1> exactly
| |
16:07 | <a5benwillis> for ldap auth to work dont the uid and gid attributes have to be in the account at the ldap source?
| |
16:07 | <jammcq> dunno
| |
16:07 | <mistik1> the LDAP source would be the NDS
| |
16:07 | Linux would only be acting as a client
| |
16:07 | <a5benwillis> with the NCP auth module it handles this automatically. It creates the user on the server if it doesnt exist and assignes uid's
| |
16:08 | <mistik1> a5benwillis: Personally I think you're overthinking the problem
| |
16:08 | <a5benwillis> wouldnt the SSH issue still exist though. The problem is that is the account does NOT exist on the server then SSH fails the authentication before attempting the pam auth.
| |
16:08 | <Gadi> hey, all
| |
16:09 | ah, still authenticating....
| |
16:09 | <mistik1> Hey Gadi
| |
16:09 | <a5benwillis> mistik1: I wish that were true :)
| |
16:09 | <jammcq> or not
| |
16:09 | <a5benwillis> mistik1: Let me ask this then.
| |
16:09 | <mistik1> a5benwillis: Ok, out lay for me what needs to happen for you setup to work?
| |
16:09 | <Gadi> i believe you mean "riddle me this"
| |
16:09 | <a5benwillis> ok
| |
16:09 | <mistik1> heh
| |
16:10 | <bricode> PXE boot rules. Got my little box booting freedos to flash new BIOS. Handy.
| |
16:10 | <AbuSami> is there a way to lunch applications from another machines on the clients'x X
| |
16:10 | <a5benwillis> I have my Edubuntu LTSP server. The only accounts that exist are a user for administration.
| |
16:10 | I want to be able to log into a thin client, have it authenticate my user from my NDS server and map the users home directory.
| |
16:10 | <mistik1> a5benwillis: good so far
| |
16:11 | <AbuSami> is there a way to lunch applications from another machines on the clients'x X
| |
16:11 | <Gadi> AbuSami: it depends if the user lets you do it
| |
16:11 | <AbuSami> if yes
| |
16:11 | <Gadi> by default X has secuirty that does not allow it
| |
16:11 | msinhore has quit IRC | |
16:12 | <Gadi> if that security is disabled, you need only export your DISPLAY variable
| |
16:12 | <AbuSami> Gadi : ..
| |
16:12 | <mistik1> AbuSami: DISABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL = Y
| |
16:12 | <a5benwillis> With the PAM NCP module that Im trying ti use is does that but it also creates the user on the server and automatically mounts the users home directoy (which also exists on NDS server) at login.
| |
16:12 | <AbuSami> where is that mistikl
| |
16:12 | <Gadi> a5benwillis: does it actually create a user account in /etc/passwd?
| |
16:12 | <AbuSami> Gadi, how can I disable
| |
16:12 | yes
| |
16:13 | <Gadi> AbuSami: in lts.conf
| |
16:13 | <a5benwillis> But the problem, confirmed by OpenSSH, is that the SSH authenticatino model FIRST checks for a user on the server before handing off to pam. Failing authentication before it ever checks NDS>
| |
16:13 | Gadi: Yes
| |
16:13 | <Gadi> a5benwillis: that sucks
| |
16:13 | <AbuSami> Gadi, and thats it ?!
| |
16:13 | <Gadi> does it remove it afterward?
| |
16:13 | <mistik1> a5benwillis: sounds like that PAM module is a piece of crap
| |
16:13 | <Gadi> AbuSami: reboot thin client
| |
16:13 | <a5benwillis> One suggested work around is to have a script write users to passwd nightly
| |
16:13 | <Gadi> ugh
| |
16:14 | <AbuSami> Gadi : how to define the command
| |
16:14 | in the clients Gnome icon for example
| |
16:14 | <Gadi> you can then do: DISPLAY=ws001:0 xterm
| |
16:14 | <a5benwillis> link: http://prope.insa-lyon.fr/~ppollet/netware/ncpfs/pamncp/auth/
| |
16:14 | <Gadi> and xterm would appear on display ws001:0
| |
16:14 | <a5benwillis> modules doc
| |
16:14 | <AbuSami> Gadi, I got it
| |
16:14 | <a5benwillis> mistik1: LOL
| |
16:14 | <AbuSami> thanks
| |
16:15 | <a5benwillis> mistik1: I just dont see how to do the same thing with ldap alone.
| |
16:15 | <AbuSami> Gadi, but this needs some auth in normal case right ?
| |
16:15 | <mistik1> a5benwillis: Ok, I'll read that and get back to you
| |
16:15 | <Gadi> AbuSami: yeah, normally
| |
16:16 | <mistik1> This is Linux all problems have a solution, and its often a lot simpler than we think
| |
16:16 | <a5benwillis> mistik1: Thats a boring read. The main thing of interest is that it mentions this issue under the Zenux flag section
| |
16:16 | option T
| |
16:16 | <Gadi> normally the X server won't allow other computers or users to connect to it
| |
16:17 | <a5benwillis> The module works perfectly with the console login. I just added the auth line to /etc/pam.d/gdm
| |
16:17 | <AbuSami> Gadi, hmmm
| |
16:17 | Gadi, we can use this method in running heavy applications form another machines , application server , right ?
| |
16:17 | <a5benwillis> mistik1: Heres an example of how it has been used. Very sleek and clean IMHO
| |
16:17 | link: http://prope.insa-lyon.fr/~ppollet/netware/ncpfs/pamncp/auth/
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16:18 | <a5benwillis> bbias
| |
16:18 | <Gadi> AbuSami: yes or use ssh
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16:18 | <Gadi> if everything's on the same subnet, X will be fine
| |
16:19 | <davidj> 'afternoon, everyone.
| |
16:19 | <Gadi> otherwise, if you don't want to get into routing, use ssh
| |
16:19 | <AbuSami> Gadi, sure its on the same subet
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16:21 | <AbuSami> Gadi, thanks ,, I have to leave
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16:25 | <Gadi> a5benwillis: what happens if you take all the auth lines out of /etc/pam.d/ssh except for the ncp one?
| |
16:26 | <a5benwillis> havent tried that
| |
16:27 | I can though, stand by
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16:29 | <Gadi> a5benwillis: be careful, because you won't be able to ssh back in with a unix user
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16:29 | so dont drop ur connection :)
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16:30 | <a5benwillis> same thing happens
| |
16:30 | the -669 error in /var/log/auth.log
| |
16:31 | <Gadi> is it the module producing that error or ssh?
| |
16:31 | <a5benwillis> basically SSH doesnt send the password to the module for it to verify via NDS
| |
16:31 | the module
| |
16:31 | sincs SSH fails before ever handing off to PAM I dont think it can be fixed via configuration.
| |
16:32 | ssh itself will have to be hacked
| |
16:32 | Gadi: Make sense?
| |
16:32 | <Gadi> so you think SSH never sends the password to the module...
| |
16:33 | yet, ssh does send it to the pam_unix module
| |
16:33 | weird
| |
16:35 | <a5benwillis> openssh call the function
| |
16:35 | >getpwnam to see if the user exist at all, and if he doesn't the sshd
| |
16:35 | >refuse the user to login.
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16:36 | dmorar has quit IRC | |
16:36 | <Gadi> ah... so you need to set up nsswitch!
| |
16:36 | thats all
| |
16:36 | you should install nss_ldap
| |
16:37 | and configure nsswitch to look up users in ldap as well as local files
| |
16:37 | <mistik1> I keep saying this
| |
16:37 | <Gadi> and point the ldap client to your NDS server
| |
16:37 | as mistik1 says
| |
16:37 | :)
| |
16:37 | but use your ncp pam module, too
| |
16:37 | instead of the ldap pam module
| |
16:38 | that will give you the uid/gid mapping
| |
16:39 | that mistik1 guy - he's all right
| |
16:39 | <mistik1> hehe
| |
16:40 | <a5benwillis> but wont the users in NDS have to have the unix attributes for that to work? UID, GID etc
| |
16:41 | wait maybe using the ncp auth instead will rpovide that mapping. hmm
| |
16:41 | <mistik1> That's what I'm seeing here if i'm reading this right
| |
16:42 | <Gadi> a5benwillis: zactly
| |
16:42 | you just need nsswitch set up so ssh knows the users are coming :)
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16:44 | <a5benwillis> ok, now to learn abt nss
| |
16:44 | here I come google
| |
16:44 | <mistik1> http://prope.insa-lyon.fr/~ppollet/netware/ncpfs/nss_ncp.ssi
| |
16:44 | You have looked in this?
| |
16:45 | <Gadi> a5benwillis: apt-get install nss-ldap
| |
16:45 | it'll ask you all the right questions
| |
16:45 | :)
| |
16:45 | beats reading
| |
16:46 | heh, nm
| |
16:46 | do what mistik1 says
| |
16:46 | as usual
| |
16:46 | get: nss_ncp
| |
16:47 | <mistik1> Its beta but how much beta software do we now run?
| |
16:47 | ;)
| |
16:49 | oh man, what a Beautifull day
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16:50 | 74F, man am I glad i'm not in NY
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16:52 | <Gadi> :P
| |
16:53 | <a5benwillis> it sure is nice outside
| |
16:53 | <mistik1> Its Marvelous
| |
16:53 | <a5benwillis> Im grilling bbq chicken, taking care of kids and talking to you guys all ay the same time
| |
16:53 | <mistik1> heh
| |
16:53 | <a5benwillis> as soon as kids go to bed I'll try these ideas
| |
16:53 | <mistik1> a5benwillis: where are you located?
| |
16:53 | <a5benwillis> SC
| |
16:53 | <mistik1> Cool
| |
16:53 | I just below you
| |
16:54 | <a5benwillis> www.anderson5.net
| |
16:54 | thats us
| |
16:54 | <mistik1> Macon, GA
| |
16:54 | <a5benwillis> where? ga or fla
| |
16:54 | ahah
| |
16:54 | <Gadi> aw...
| |
16:54 | <a5benwillis> aw?
| |
16:55 | <Gadi> cute kids
| |
16:57 | <a5benwillis> ah :)
| |
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17:10 | <cliebow> dang: missed my calling..
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17:18 | <a5benwillis> ooh ooh
| |
17:18 | u guys still here?
| |
17:18 | check this out
| |
17:18 | http://bugzilla.mindrot.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1215
| |
17:19 | a patch!!!!!!
| |
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17:24 | <mistik1> a5benwillis: Personally I think nss is the way to go
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17:25 | <a5benwillis> im still gonna try that to
| |
17:26 | http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/1630.html
| |
17:28 | <mistik1> a5benwillis: that defines the method I was talking about earlier
| |
17:29 | The only thing then left to do after that is deal with the homedirs
| |
17:30 | a5benwillis: do you need to have the homedir mounted from the NDS server or would it be ok to just create a homedir after auth?
| |
17:30 | Specificly in your environment I mean
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17:32 | Gadi has left #ltsp | |
17:34 | <mistik1> I am assuming you would need to mount an NDS volume as the homedir
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18:47 | <a5benwillis> mistik1: Yes, the users home dirs are on the same nds server
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18:51 | <a5benwillis> mistik1: Are you still around?
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20:43 | <mistik1> a5benwillis: I am now
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20:48 | <a5benwillis> hi
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20:48 | Im trying to test the patch from the ssh guys
| |
20:48 | I downloaded the ssh source, ran ./confige --with-pam
| |
20:49 | theres no 'make'
| |
20:49 | how do I install in this case?
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20:53 | FernandoMM has quit IRC | |
20:53 | <mistik1> Have you read the docs
| |
20:55 | <a5benwillis> yes
| |
20:55 | it says to run ./configure
| |
20:56 | then make
| |
20:56 | then make install
| |
20:57 | <mistik1> Hard for me to say not looking at the source tree
| |
20:58 | <a5benwillis> im running ./configure again
| |
20:58 | its been a long day, shew
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21:01 | ahah
| |
21:01 | I bet I need to apt-get install build-essential
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21:01 | forgot abt that
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21:01 | <mistik1> ;)
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23:06 | <mathesis> there is user ubuntu dapper here?
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