IRC chat logs for #ltsp on (webchat)

Channel log from 4 October 2024   (all times are UTC)

05:42chomwitt has joined IRC (chomwitt!~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a02:eb00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)
06:23ricotz has joined IRC (ricotz!~ricotz@ubuntu/member/ricotz)
09:36Mauro has joined IRC (Mauro!
09:36Mauro has left IRC (Mauro!, Client Quit)
10:47fiesh has left IRC (fiesh!~fiesh@2a02:f90:269:1000::192, Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
15:06alkisg_irc has joined IRC (alkisg_irc!
15:09Cueball_ has joined IRC (Cueball_!~quassel@
15:15fiesh has joined IRC (fiesh!~fiesh@2a02:f90:269:1000::192)
15:15alkisg has left IRC (alkisg!, *.net *.split)
15:15Cueball has left IRC (Cueball!~quassel@, *.net *.split)
15:15alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg
16:02chomwitt has left IRC (chomwitt!~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a02:eb00:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1, Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
16:36chomwitt has joined IRC (chomwitt!~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a0e:b200:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1)
17:06vagrantc has joined IRC (vagrantc!~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)
21:06lcurl has left IRC (lcurl!, Remote host closed the connection)
21:09lcurl has joined IRC (lcurl!
22:29eu^173209161127n has joined IRC (eu^173209161127n!~eu^173209@
Hello, I've been at this for awhile and am very confused. I have a virtual box VM that is running Lubuntu 24.04 with LTSP and I can pxe boot other VM's alongside it in a NAT Network and they boot hunky dory. I have now attempted connecting an external pc to the ethernet port of my laptop and my VM has 2 interfaces, one that is the NAT Network and
one that is on the other interface that bridges to the host and connects to an external dell computer.
I have on average about 10% of the time gotten the dell to actually pxe boot, it receives the IP address from the ltsp server and I can identify with systemctl status dnsmasq this is occurring, however majority of the time the dell server will get the IP address and gateway than stall at tftp than timeout, it doesn't fully make sense to me because
I've had it get  the ip and gateway and boot (very little, but it has...) I'm just curious how do I attempt to debug this type of issue?
It seems intermittent at best, and it just seems strange that it could receive dhcp information and reach out to tftp 1 time, but than after I retry it can't talk to the tftp?
The VM's that I pxe boot have no issue with tftp and boot everytime without fail.
22:34ricotz has left IRC (ricotz!~ricotz@ubuntu/member/ricotz, Quit: Leaving)
I'm not sure what to derive when the dell computer has worked but now refuses to but the virtual machines do fine..
22:53eu^173209161127n has left IRC (eu^173209161127n!~eu^173209@, Quit: Client closed)
22:54eu^173209161127n has joined IRC (eu^173209161127n!~eu^173209@
23:03eu^173209161127n has left IRC (eu^173209161127n!~eu^173209@, Quit: Client closed)
23:06chomwitt has left IRC (chomwitt!~chomwitt@2a02:587:7a0e:b200:1ac0:4dff:fedb:a3f1, Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
23:15eu^173209161127n has joined IRC (eu^173209161127n!~eu^173209@
I've been at this all day, if anyone has any type of clarity for why a dual nic setup where Virtual Machines can run but an external ethernet connected computer can't I'd really love to figure this out. I can't really understand why it would get dhcp information from the server but fail at tftp, when it has worked once or twice to only be rebooted
and not work.. Seems inconsistent.
23:17lcurl has left IRC (lcurl!, Read error: Connection reset by peer)
23:17lcurl has joined IRC (lcurl!
It's almost like the client on never reaches out for tftp, whereas I can see my client reaching out to tftp
23:43eu^173209161127n has left IRC (eu^173209161127n!~eu^173209@, Quit: Client closed)