IRC chat logs for #ltsp on (webchat)

Channel log from 30 August 2024   (all times are UTC)

00:22vagrantc has left IRC (vagrantc!~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50, Quit: leaving)
04:31lcurl has left IRC (lcurl!, Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
05:40ricotz has joined IRC (ricotz!~ricotz@ubuntu/member/ricotz)
06:08lcurl has joined IRC (lcurl!
06:08fiesh has left IRC (fiesh!, Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
06:20fiesh has joined IRC (fiesh!
08:55Jonas___fr has joined IRC (Jonas___fr!~Jonas___f@
Hi there, is it ok to ask a technical question here?
I'll ask away but don't hesitate to tell me if it's not the right place (in this case I'm sorry in advance) :
The booting for network part is a solved problem for LTSP. I'd like to know whether the commit from client's RAM to client's local-disk (i.e writing an active OS tin RAM to the local disk) is solved too if on the radar of ideas at all?
The goal isn't to do a PXE install (easy) but to let users play with a generic image served from a central server, and when they're happy with it (new packages installed, tweaks done by and for the user) they commit this now custom OS from their RAM to their local disk (which is by default totally empty/blank)
09:32lcurl has left IRC (lcurl!, Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
10:03Jonas___fr has left IRC (Jonas___fr!~Jonas___f@, Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
10:10lcurl has joined IRC (lcurl!
14:46alkisg has left IRC (alkisg!, Read error: Connection reset by peer)
16:52woernie has joined IRC (woernie!
17:35vagrantc has joined IRC (vagrantc!~vagrant@2600:3c01:e000:21:7:77:0:50)
17:56alkisg has joined IRC (alkisg!
18:46woernie has left IRC (woernie!, Remote host closed the connection)
21:23eu^static-108-34 has joined IRC (eu^static-108-34!~eu^
21:23eu^static-108-34 has left IRC (eu^static-108-34!~eu^, Client Quit)
21:24Monkberry has joined IRC (Monkberry!
alkisg are you here?
Monkberry: might be a bit late ... do you have a general question about ltsp?
no it's a reverse vnc question
an unasked question is an unanswered question ... sometimes folks are on different schedules and just need to ask the question and check back in periodically
I believe that is exactly what I did but thanks for pointing that out
21:42Monkberry has left IRC (Monkberry!, Quit: Client closed)
23:10ricotz has left IRC (ricotz!~ricotz@ubuntu/member/ricotz, Quit: Leaving)